Chapter 7

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A few days later, I was relieved to not need to take my medicine. My concussion was finally going away. I texted Namjoon every day, but we couldn't meet up. Abby and I were going out to eat with Aaron at a local restaurant. It was really to try and make up; Abby's idea. Aaron looked a little guilty, but I knew he wouldn't take his words back. He never said what he didn't mean.

"An admirer brought Laine fish head soup a few days ago for her concussion," Abby spilled almost immediately. I shot a glare at her. This lunch was to make up, not fight.

"When have you had time to meet anyone? Who is it?" Aaron asked.

"Her oppa," Abby answered as she ate her cold noodles.

"Doesn't oppa mean like... boyfriend here?" Aaron asked.

"It can be, but it's really just a term of endearment," I answered. He sighed and set his chopsticks down.

"So you're closer to a guy you met a few days ago, than you are with me?" He asked. I could practically see the jealousy oozing out of him. I sighed and thought about how to word what I was going to say.

"It's been a week or so, and no, I'm obviously closer with you. It's just that I'm close with him in a different way," I tried to explain.

"Who is he?" Aaron asked. I bit my lip gently and looked away from him.

"I can't tell you that," I answered.

"Why not?" He snapped.

"It's not my secret to tell," I replied easily. "If he wants to introduce himself, I'll let him, but I can't tell you," I offered a compromise.

"How does Abby know?" He asked.

"She met him," I shrugged.

"Where was I?" He asked, upset.

"Pouting," I answered before I took a bite of my boiled egg.

"I want to meet this guy," Aaron said. I knew he felt out of the loop but it wasn't something I could just blurt out. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to look. I smiled when 'Oppa' lit up on my screen.

How's your head feeling today?

I shot back a quick reply letting him know I was all healed up. His response was almost instant.

Good. The guys wanted to properly drink with you. Jin just got a bunch of soju and wants to get rid of it before we're inspected again.

I chuckled before I looked at Abby and Aaron. Both of their eyes were trained on me. I quickly asked if they could come.

Any friends of yours are friends of mine. Sure :)

He responded quickly again. I sighed before putting my phone away and taking another bite of my noodles. Abby and Aaron looked at me expectantly.

"You guys can meet everyone tonight. Oppa said you guys can come. But Abby, try not to fangirl too hard, and Aaron, don't be a dick... and try not to fangirl too hard," I joked. Abby squealed excitedly. I chuckled.

"Might want to get it all out now," I joked.

"Wait, are they famous? How many guys are there?" Aaron asked confused.

"Seven, and they're global," Abby answered for me. After our lunch, we went back to campus and spent a few hours in the PC room before going back to our rooms and getting dressed. Abby dolled herself all the way up and went with a babydoll-style dress with a simple white tee shirt underneath. I put on a pair of high waisted shorts and a simple tee shirt that I tucked in the front. I curled my hair into large ringlets and did winged eyeliner and gloss for makeup. We met Aaron down in the lobby. He was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt.

My phone buzzed and I walked outside already knowing who it was. The car was waiting for us there. The driver opened the back for us and I got in first, sliding to the middle as Abby got in behind me. Aaron got in the passenger side up front. It was a little squished, but I tried not to touch Namjoon as my cheeks heated. All I could think about was the fact that he kissed me last time. Namjoon looked relaxed with his arm draped over the head of my seat. Abby forced me to scoot over until my leg was touching his. My whole face caught fire as I blushed and kept my eyes on my lap.

"Hey again," he said to Abby. He looked to where Aaron was gawking at him in the front seat. "Hey I'm Namjoon," he introduced himself to Aaron.

"I-I'm Aaron. Aren't you RM from BTS?" He asked quickly. Namjoon chuckled before he nodded.

"Yeah but don't hold it against me," Namjoon joked.

"Wait does that mean the seven guys you talked about were BTS?" He asked Abby. She nodded excitedly. Aaron pulled at his hair slightly.

"This is unreal," he breathed as he faced forward again. The driver took off as my two friends dealt with the impending meeting in their own ways.

"Laine," Namjoon called me gently. I hummed as I turned to look at him, but when I did, our faces were inches apart.

"So your family and friends are fans, but you're not?" He asked. I didn't think it was possible to blush more than I already was. The car turned quickly and threw my head into Namjoon's chest. I put a hand on his chest and quickly sat up. He looked a little disappointed but he hid it quickly. He brought his lips close to my ear.

"Why so shy suddenly? We've already done more than this," he whispered. His breath tickled my neck. My breath caught in my throat as I stared straight ahead. Abby wiggles her eyebrows at me and Aaron was still trying to come to terms with the fact that we were about to hang out with BTS. It's like Namjoon knew what he was doing to me as he sat back against the door again with a small smirk.

Damn you, Kim Namjoon.

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