Chapter 13

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The boys' break finally ended, and the real work began. I only went home to sleep sometimes. Most of the time I ended up sleeping in the van because of the late schedule. Between driving them to fan meetings, commercials, interviews, and practices, I never caught a break. If I wasn't making sure their clothing was perfect, I was fetching food for them. I'm sure I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, but surprisingly, I was also having a lot of fun. The guys always included me where they could, and they were so silly, there was hardly a dull moment. I carried the water carefully as I entered the practice room and set it on the table off to the side. When the song ended, the guys panted as most of them dropped. It was probably the twentieth time they'd gone full out on the choreography. I grabbed the water bottles and started handing them to where the guys were sitting.

"You're working hard," I said to each of them for encouragement. I grabbed the towels in the corner and handed one to each of them as well. The door opened and the producer walked in.

"How's the new song coming along?" He asked. I wanted to tell him that they needed a break but I knew better than to open my mouth. This was their world. This was how they became what they were today. The guys muttered a response before they started standing up to greet him. I bowed respectfully as I went to take the towels and bottles from them.

"Laine, I saw the video of you singing. Have you ever thought about being an idol or actress. You have a fresh look that would be welcome in the industry," the producer said, turning his attention to me. I almost dropped the bottles.

"Me?" I asked as I set the bottles down. He nodded.

"I haven't seriously thought about it. Plus, I just became a manager. I want to work hard and do a good job," I answered. He chuckled and waved me off.

"We could always find the boys another manager. How about this? There's a small role in an upcoming drama that I think you would be perfect for. We'll get a replacement manager for you while you do the roll, and if you don't like it, you can come right back and I won't bother you about it anymore. But if you like it, you sign a contract with us and start training," he offered. I glanced at the guys to see their torn expressions. They looked happy but sad at the same time.

"Can I have some time to think about it?" I asked. He nodded before he turned his attention back to the guys.

"Keep up the good work," he said to them before he left. The guys came to stand around me as I sighed.

"I think you should do it, but we've already had this discussion," Suga said almost immediately.

"We'd miss you, but this is a good opportunity, and with your age, I don't think it'll come again," JungKook said. I felt slightly offended, but I understood. Jin, Jimin, And V nodded in agreement.

"You should at least try it. If you don't like it, you always have a spot with us as our manager. Plus doing one role won't change things between us," Namjoon said. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Okay, I'll do it. You guys have to run the routine three more times. I'll be back," I said before I headed to the door. I walked through the hallways to where I knew the producer's office was. I knocked before I was granted entry. I bowed respectfully before I smiled sheepishly.

"I'll try it," I gave him my answer. His eyes lit up as he smiled.

"Great! I'll have you meet with our acting coach tomorrow. Here's the script. I circled your character for you. Take the guys home today and you all can come back together tomorrow," he said as he handed me a stack of papers. I gave a nod and a bow before I left his office and went back to the practice room. The guys were almost done with the song. I waited for it to end before I stopped the song loop.

"You're free to go for today. PD is sending us home to practice my script," I smiled at them. They all attacked me in a sweaty hug. I scrunched my nose up  but hugged them back anyway.

"Go shower, I'll be in the van," I chuckled. They ran off before I walked to the parking garage and got in the driver's side before opening up the script book. I read through the summary before looking for my character. It was a melodrama and I was playing the role of the best friend of the main character. It was technically a small role, because it wasn't the lead, but I still had a lot of lines. I began reading through it as I waited. A while later, the guys finally got in the van and I set the script aside before starting the van up.

"Did you read any of it yet? How is it?" Namjoon asked.

"It'll be a lot of work, but it looks fun," I answered as I drove off. When we got back to the house, I took the script inside and went to sit on the couch. The guys excitedly sat around me and tried to look on with me.

"We can help you practice," Jimin offered. I smiled and looked up from my script briefly.

"Nameless Heir?" Namjoon asked. I nodded.

"It's about a son, Park Hyeon U, born of a mistress. The mom hides him away from the father in the countryside his whole life, but he's the only heir to the company. He's a chaebol his whole life and doesn't realize it until his father is on his deathbed. I play Hyeon U's best friend, and second lead, Kim Eun Ji. She's loved him since they were kids but Hyeon U has always had a crush on Jung Min Seo," I explained.

"Daebak," JungKook smiled as his hand covered his mouth. "I thought it was going to be a small role," he added. I sighed as I flipped the page.

"Me too," I agreed.

"PD must have a lot of confidence in you," Jin suggested.

"Laine has been pretty popular lately. PD is probably using that fact to get more views for the drama," Suga said. Suga's excuse made the most sense. Since I'd become the guys manager, JungKook has almost always included me on their V-Live's. I had sung, danced, and just acting goofy with them on the live sessions. People knew my name now.

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