Chapter 56: "Untie Me"

Start from the beginning

"Yes you were quite rude and I understand that but I don't intend to hurt your brother, but anyway he has spoken a lot about you also." I said

"Oh really would you like to sit in the living room."

"Sure." I said nodding my head

Now sitting his brown leather couch while Dahlia sits across from me in regular brown chair.

"I can not stop staring at you, your absolutely gorgeous, where did you and Frediano meet."

"We met at a museum actually and it just went on from there." I said smiling slightly

"And speaking of Frediano where was is he again."

"Oh I'm sorry I actually don't know where Frediano is I just got here about two hours ago waiting for him to show up.

Now both of us sitting there awkwardly not knowing what to say to each other next

Frediano's Pov

Stirring awake I have a blistering headache trying to touch me head I instantly feel my hands and legs are tied and I can't move and I'm sitting in a hard ass chair. I'm trying to move but there is no use someone double knotted this shit. But it wasn't just someone it was that crazy bitch Adriana and looking around I'm still in my mother's house but in one of her spare bedrooms. Sighing a slight breath of relief how the hell did she get me upstairs and into this chair. I thought to myself

"Adriana, Adriana!!" I yell out

"Yes my love." She comes through the doorway wearing the same outfit

"Let me fucking go you crazy bitch."

"Now Frediano that's no way to speak to your child's mother and your fiancée." She said

"Are you delusional? You're nothing to me but an egg donor. How long have I been out?" noticing that the curtains were closed

"You've been out all day and night yesterday and at this particular moment it's morning and your son and I already had breakfast thanks for asking."

"What is wrong with you? Looking at like she's truly lost her mind still standing right in front of me this wasn't the woman I feel in love with two years ago it and I knew but she sounded off

"I' fine actually but I needed you to understand what happened back then and why and what can happen now and what our future with our son."

"Where is he?" I asked

"He fell asleep just after breakfast." Adriana said

"Adriana listen can you please untie me and talk about this like two adults who share a child together." I said

"And if I do that what would happen."

"Like I said talk like two adults."

"Your and mother, Joe and the maids are coming back tomorrow but before I do I need you to hear what I have to say first."

"Yes." I said wanting her to go on

"I am so, so sorry Frediano I'm sorry I broke your heart but when I found out I was pregnant I lost my mind and did something unforgivable but I need to know that we can get past this and be a family with our son." Adriana finally finished saying with tears rolling down her cheeks

"Adriana I know now that my anger and resentment was still justified but fruitless because at the end of the day I just want my son and the woman who I have been dating for a while now." I said sincerely she knows we will never be together .

Looking defeated Adriana asked "Who is she?"

"It doesn't matter to you and never will, can you please just untie me you said what you already had to say."

"Ok." She said walking behind me to finally untie my hand and legs

With the tight rope dropping to the floor and getting to touch my wrists I feel them as they are sore to the touch. I slowly get up and walking towards her Adriana quickly staggers back as if I was going to hit her. Which I thought about doing but I still felt as if my head was going to fall of my head so I couldn't.

Backing her body up to the wall I towered over now face to face I whisper in her to which it was almost deafening saying:

"I will never fucking forget this."

Author's Note

I'm back!!! It's been a while....

Emerald and Dahlia finally meet...
(Didn't go so well huh?)

I wanted Frediano to grab up Adriana for all that she did to him but she'll get hers one day.....

Till next Time!!!!!

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