Chapter 28

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3rd POV:
You were tired of living like this, like a toy. You were tired of being walked all over, and being treated like a slave, you wanted out, no you needed it. You missed your mother and your school and all the normal inconveniences that you complained about. You don't know what you had until it was gone. You were going to do something about it. No more cowering and hiding and being scared. You had a plan and you were going to act on it.

You have been in the clown's clutches for almost 4 months now, you were almost fully healed and that meant you were gonna go another round with Jack. You didn't know how much more of this you could take both physically and mentally. You sighed as you walked over to the mirror standing in front of it so you could see your body fully. You had lost a lot of weight, you cringed as you lifted up your white tank top to examine your belly. You were covered in bruises and scars from all of the abuse you have received over the past few months. "That's a good look for you gumdrop". The familiar sinister voice made you quickly spun around and pull down your top. When he talked like that he hurt you. He slow stoaked toward you. Normally you would have backed up out of fear but this time you stayed put. You needed to if you wanted your plan to work. He tilted his head to the side curious at your behavior. He knew you were still scared of him mostly because he could smell it, and it excited him. He stopped once he was very close to you, looming over your small fragile body smirking down at you. He began to twirl a piece of you (H/C) hair in his claws, "I love when you pretend to be brave", he moved his head so his mouth was next to the shell of your ear, you could feel his hot breath which made you shiver. "I can smell your fear sugar, and it makes me want to rip your throat out", you gulped.

Ignoring his comment you gulped, "Jack now that I'm almost healed I want to play a game". You didn't make eye contact you continued to stare straight ahead while he began to circle you as his curiosity only grew. "What kind of game?"

You needed to be careful, one wrong word and you would be doomed. "A game that you're already ahead in". He stopped in front of you and tilted his head with a twisted smile. "We already played one round and you won. We would play best 2 out of 3". He remained silent, he was thinking this could be exciting for him but he wanted to know what he would be giving up if he lost, although he had no doubt he was gonna win, he wanted to know what kind of false hope he was going to be giving you. His smirk grew as he leaned closer to you, your faces just inches apart. "What are we wagering hmm?" He let the words roll off his tough. "If I win, you give me my freedom, let me return home and leave me alone". He squinted his eyes,

"And if I win?"

"Then you get to have me forever".

He backed off and placed his claws underneath his chin as if he was thinking.

"Alrighty, gumdrop you have a deal!" He was back to his happy cheery voice.

Sighing in relief, you turned your back only to be pulled back by one of Jack's long arms gripping into your shoulder. You turned and looked at him hesitantly. "Not so fast (Y/N), we need to finalize our deal", you him gave a nervous laugh. "Like in writing?", your comment made a dangerous smirk appear on his face, "No in with blood gumdrop." He held his had out and you hesitantly took it, he flipped your palm over and placed one of his long claws onto your delicate skin looking at you intently, he pushed his claw into your skin and watched as you winced in pain, he never took his eyes off of your pained expression. Once he finished cutting your hand he cut his out, yet again his eyes never leaving yours. He then held his hand out to shake and you did the same, once your blood bonded with his the clown's little engraving in your back started to burn. You fell onto your knees groaning in pain, your head was pounding. What had he done you? You looked up at the clown, hand still in his, his signature sick, twisted smile was decorating his face. "When I win you are going to wish that I had killed you when we first met, now you're mine forever gumdrop".

He released your hand and you blacked out.

Your eyes shot open as you quickly sat up, frantically looking about examining the around that surrounded you. You were in some sort of carnival? You turned your body as you stood up from the cold dirt, staring at the the faint black and white striped tents that covered the fair grounds. There was a giant Ferris wheel that seem to be out of order, the whole place seemed to be out of order. No a soul populated the amusement park, no children, no workers, not even a clown.
The clown. This must have been round 2? You recalled as all the memories came flooding back to you. You cautiously began to walk through the abandoned fair, being very careful to look for any sign of movement. You didn't know what the clown had up his sleeve and you certainly didn't want to find out after your last encounter with that thing, Seedeater.
Still nothing, no movement just the sound of very faint fair music playing through a very scratchy speaker. Not having any other leads you decided to follow it. The creepy music eventually lead you to what you guessed was the main tent, due to its ignoramus size and it seemed to be centered in the middle of the fair grounds. You hesitated before entering, your feet stopping about 10 feet from the entrance. You knew something horrific was in there but you had no other choice. You needed to play smart if you were going to win. He was going to play with your mind and you need to be strong. He could hurt you physically but you weren't going to let him mentally scare you anymore. You were going to go back home and you would see your mother again. You were taken from your thoughts when the loud speaker began to make a high pitched speak, signaling that it was about to be used.
"Hello sugar dearest! Welcome to round 2, hope you're just as excited as I am! I always love our time together! Go on and step inside and get ready for SOME FUN."
They clowns message ending in a demonic growl which made you shutter. No this was not you, you weren't scared. You were done being scared, you were done with his getting off on you pain and suffering. You clenched your fists at your sides and cautiously set into the tent.
The tent was full. The stands stretched around the whole space surrounding the center stage and in the stands were the corpses of dead children. You ignore them, as much as they scared you, you tried not to pay any attention to them, because that's only what Jack would want and you're trying to beat him after all.
Suddenly a cloud of black smoke began to form on the stage. With a loud "poof" sound, Laughing Jack appeared on stage, smiling his signature sharp toothed grin.
"Welcome my sweetie, To my carnival!" He cheered throwing his long arms up in the air in excitement. He was so proud of this carnival. If this was any normal circumstance, without dead bodies of a killer clown you would say this place was a dump. Candy wrappers, broken glass, dead rodents and filth decorated the ground of this carnival. You simple stared at him in impatience, you wanted to get this over with. You crossed your arms.
"We aren't here for a causal conversation LJ, What are the rules?"
A smirk few on his face as he lowered his arms. " Eager are we? We my little pixie stick, all you have to do is survive 45 minutes without getting caught".
Seemed easy enough.
"So what are you waiting for?" You shouted.
He put his put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay, but just remember if you lose this round you're done for good sweet pea and I win. Good luck sweet pea, here we go." He snapped his fingers and he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Looking puzzled you, a faint groaning began to fill your ears. You turned to your left and held back a scream as the corpse began to come to life.  Franticly looking around the tent, the entire audience began to rise.
Without hesitation you quickly bolted out of the tent and began to sprint into some random direction. You had no idea where you were going, any little plan you had in your mind was out the window now. Oh shit, what were you gonna do.

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