Chapter 26

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Your POV:

You watched the blood drip from your almost closed wound, it reopened for the third time. It had been about 5 days since you participated in the clowns first round. It did quite a number on you. The Seedeater completely ripped the back of your calf muscle, the Eyeless Jack said that if its claws dug any deeper it would have punctured your popliteal artery, meaning you would have bled out in just minutes, he said you were lucky. Oh, how lucky you are. You were thankful to whatever god existed that you lived, however, a small part of you wished you didn't make it. You were tired. Tired of being a toy. A broken toy, the extent of your injuries also included 3 broken ribs on your right side, a major concussion, and 227 painful stitches in your calf. The stitches were done somewhat while you were awake, you passed out like 11 times during the whole ordeal, and that was either because of the pain of the blood loss, you didn't know the actual cause it could have very possibly have been both. All you knew is that when you were awake you were screaming out in pain and then you would go out again. You were going to have some serious nerve damaged and your calf would never work the same, not to mention the nasty scare that was going to haunt you for the rest of your life. 

After the 'doctors' visit, you were ushered back to the clown's room where you have remained ever since, except to use the bathroom, you haven't showered since then either. Although the Eyeless Jack did mention to you that after he put you back together, he washed your body to prevent your massive wound from getting infected. In any normal circumstance, your face would have gotten red and you would have been embarrassed. However, this situation was far from normal, you didn't get self-conscious about your body anymore, at least to both the Jacks, you were seen as an object. Nothing more. They owned you, and you hated acknowledging that but it was true, it was true for now. Regardless of the "bath", you were given, you wanted to shower. Your skin may have been clearer than it was but you still had dirt in your hair and under your fingernails. First, though, you would need to wait for Jack to come back from where ever he went when he left you in his black hole of a room. You could barely walk with your leg the way it was, and even if you could you were a sitting duck in the hallway, what if someone saw you? What another door appeared? 

That door you never stopped thinking about. You always kept that horrifying experience in the back of your mind. Where you finally losing your marbles? Possibly. Was Jack just trying to make you lose your mind? Also possible. Or was another thing from in this godforsaken mansion trying to get to you? Most likely. Whatever that thing was or who it was you didn't want to ever be near them again. You needed Jack. Even though he hurt you most of the time, you felt safe with him. He would hurt you but didn't have any plans that included killing you, at least not yet. At the current state, you were in you needed him to do anything. You won't even be able to shower by yourself, you could barely walk on your own. You sighed as you laid on the bed, all limbs laying flat except for the busted one which was kept elevated in order to help the blood flow. Your side hurt. Your head hurt. Your leg hurt. Your heart hurt. Your mother is probably crushed, you disappeared without a trace, leaving her with no closure. Maybe if Jack even did decide to kill you, you could ask him to leave your body somewhere where someone will find it, for your mother, so she could know what happened to you. Or at least some idea of what happened to you.

 You were taken out of your thoughts when the bedroom door opened. Alarmed, you sat up out of instinct to see who it was and groaned in pain as your ribs started to burn. "Ya know lollipop, it is not a smart idea to but inflicting pain on yourself, people might think you're crazy", he giggled as he walked over to the dresser. Normally, you would have given him a smart ass comment, but you were in no mood. You need his help and if you were nasty you weren't going to get it. He seemed to pause and look at you for comment but when nothing came out of your mouth, he looked at you puzzledly and began looking through the drawers of the dresser. "Jack?" You spoke breaking the silence. You stopped what he was doing and approached the bed and sat right next to you. You stared at him hopelessly hoping that your good behavior would be rewarded. He cupped your chin with his long slender claws, "Is there something my gumdrop would like?" You responded with a quiet "yes", and a nod of your head. The clown smirked, "And what might that be?". He stared down at you with predatory eyes, thirsty to drain any little bit of fight that you had left out of you. "A bath, please". The clown's smirk suddenly disappeared. Oh boy, what did you do now? "Please? I just really would like to get clean, I still have dirt in my hair." He stared into your eyes, but what was he looking for? That he didn't know but within seconds of him being zoned out he quickly returned to reality and that signature smirk wasn't much far behind him. 

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