Chapter 20

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*3rd Person*

     The air was cold and unwelcoming as (Y/n) walked through the woods. She had no idea how she had got there but she knew she wanted to leave as soon as possible. The forest was dark and foggy, something didn't seen right to the (h/c) haired girl. The only thing that helped her remain calm was the relaxing colors of the leafs on the trees as the were changing color. The red, orange, yellow, and very little green reminded her on her days as a child. The days she would play football in the street with her father and her uncle. The days when she would make apple pie with her mother and her grandmother. Oh, how she missed those days. 

     She was pulled from her thoughts when the sound of a twig snapping rippled through the air. The young girl quickly turned to the noise and stood in shock. Standing no less than 100 feet from her was her father. He was just as she remembered, tall, lean, and muscular. She resembled him quite well, same (e/c) eyes, and (h/c) hair. Her mother used to tell her how much the looked alike. He looked at her with the same white smile she remembered. 


      The young girl whispered, as tears slowly falling from her eyes. He just stood there with open arms as if he was waiting for her. She didn't make him wait long as she quickly excepted his invitation. She ran to him, arms out smiling as she ran into his chest. Once she was in his warm embrace she realized something, he had left her. As she realized this, his warm arms became cold and unpleasant. She knew something was wrong. She looked up and realized she wasn't hugging her father. She was hugging the thing that put her through sorrow.

"Get away from me!!!"

      She quickly tried to get out of the clowns grasp. Alas, it was no use. The clown laughed at her pathetic attempts to get away. 

"Come on girly, you got to do better than-" 

      He was cut off with a kick to the stomach. The girl ran as he hunched over in pain. She quickly and swiftly ran through the forest not looking back, jumping over ever log and or stone that stood in her way. She wasn't going to allow him to win this time. She ran with the clowns laughter echoing throughout the forest. She quickly stopped in her tracks as she reached a clearing. Completely empty, as side from the lake that was in the middle of it. She ran to the lake , having on where else to go. As she reached it, she turned around just in time to see Jack come free of the forests darkness. He looked very unhappy. Having no other option she turned to the lake. it was cold, dark and deep. Very deep. So deep it was black, no life, just empty. Not wanting to fall to the fate of the clown she jumped. 

      She quickly shot up as a cold liquid cascaded her clothes. She franticly looked around the room and saw Jack standing at the foot of the bed with a empty bucket. He had dumped water on her. It had all been a dream. 

"You'd rather drown than let me catch you? Wow that was a dramatic."

Her eyes opened wide with shock, and a hint of anger.

 "You went into my dreams?! How can you do that?!?!?!?" 

He sighed in announce.

"Because I can and it's fun. You have really bad daddy issues by the way."


      The clown quickly jumped on top of her and covered her mouth. She winced in pain remembering her injuries.

"Remember what we said about respect missy, I can kill you whenever I want." 

You Don't Scare Me ( Laughing Jack X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now