Chapter 12

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{3rd Person POV}

Tears escape your eyes as you picked yourself up off the floor. You rubbed your sore cheek, that was definitely going to bruise. This clown, this psychotic clown, was changing personalities faster than you could even process what was even happening. He was to unpredictable and it was not safe for you to be anywhere near him. You had to get out of there. You quickly scanned the room for and exit. But alas there was nothing. Just literally black and white. You looked to the window quickly running to it. It was already dark out. The only thing you could see was tall pine trees that surrounded the mansion. You couldn't see past them due to the intense fog that blanketed the ground. You looked down and you gasped. It looked as if you were on the 5th floor, yet you only remember going up one flight of stairs. The signed in defeat as you slowly started to except the fact that there was no other way out. You couldn't just wait here. You couldn't just wait for him to return. And who the hell knows what he meant by "playing", and you certainly didn't want to find out. You had to do something fast.

You started pacing uncontrollably. You were usually good under pressure. But this was just to much. You sighed in frustration and leaned up against the wall next to the dresser, slowing sliding down it in the process. You hit the floor with a loud "thud". You were trying to keep calm and relax. Panicking would get you nowhere. You place your hands on the floor only to retract them as soon as they made contact. The floor was freezing! The room was chilly but damn!

You smiled to yourself realizing that this could only mean one thing. You shot up and with all your might pushed the dresser out of the way. You succeed thankful and nearly screamed in happiness once you realize you were right. There indeed was an air vent behind the dresser, and to your luck it was big enough for you to fit. You literally threw yourself onto your knees in order to examine the small air way. The screws were old and rusted, meaning that they weren't going to be hard to brake. You grabbed ahold of the small metal plate and pulled. You didn't know how long you were pulling for but, you did know that you didn't stop until you heard a satisfying 'cracking' noise. You smirked to yourself and set the metal frame to the side and stared into the pitch black tunnel that awaited you.

You gulped. You knew you had to move fast, but at the same time you knew it wasn't smart to go into the vent without any source of light what so ever. But that Brigitte girl could walk in at any time. You decided that you would rather take your chances with the darkness than with that psychotic clown.
You had to mentally fight yourself to go in there. But eventually you made it in. After awhile your light source from LJ's room was getting smaller and smaller. Eventually you were swallowed into complete darkness. It was an unusual air vent. This house had to be at least a century old right? At least that's the way it looked. Yet the air vent wasn't as dirty as you expected well at least from what you could feel. It was also relatively straight, you rarely ran into any dead ends and when you did you would hit your head... Well not as hard as the first time. You kept a slow and steady pace not wanting to get a migraine and or make any noise. You had no idea how long you had been in the vent for but they have most definitely found out you were missing by now.
Going into an air vent without a light source wasn't your smartest decision but to your luck, you eventually came across another opening.
You couldn't help but smile. You were so close. You were going to finally going to get out of this hell hole. Your smile got bigger and bigger the closer you got to the glowing exit.
     Once you were close to the exit, you halted to a stop as your hands quickly shot up to cover your mouth and nose. The smell of blood was becoming stronger the closer you got. It was worse than LJ's room. As much as you didn't want to you had to keep moving, by now they have definitely noticed you were missing. You continued to crawl towards your objective but once you got there you listened to make sure that no one was present in the room before looking threw the vent. The room was about around the same size as LJ's. It had three red walls and one grey. Other than the disgustingly strong smell on blood it was pretty basic bedroom, desk, dresser, ect.
Once you were sure that the room was vacant, you went to kick the vent cover out. Luckily, there was just enough room in the vent for you to turn yourself in order to do so. "This is gonna make a lot of noise" you whispered to yourself.
With one swift kick the metal plate fell to the other side of the room. And you were right it did make a lot of noise. You waited in the vent for a few minutes just to make sure that you didn't alert any of the mansions many residents.once you were sure the coast was clear, you slipped your fragile form out of the vent and quickly scurried over to the door. Not even caring to examine your surroundings any further than you already had. You didn't give a shit who's room you were in but all you knew was it reeked, and for your stomachs sake you had to get out of there as soon as possible. Once you got to the door you notice that it wasn't completely closed. You could hear voices in the hallway. One voice you could tell was the clown and he didn't carry his usual playful attitude as he spoke. 'We have to find her before Master gets back.'
His voice sounded so dark and angry that his sentence literally came out as a heavy growl. This sent shivers down your spine.
'Relax bro, we'll find her. How hard could it be?'
'You stupid elf. She went in the vents, she could be away where.'
'Hey! Who you calling elf?'

'Shut it both of you! We're not gonna find her by standing around and arguing.'

'Brigitte's right lets split up and search for her, remember I want her alive and unharmed. It's my job to give her her punishment.'
You gulped as they all dispersed in different directions. Now you had to make sure they didn't find you. Now was your chance to escape and you weren't going to waste it. You reached out and grabbed the golden door knob and pulled the door open. The second you took one step out of the room you were pulled back in and slammed into a wall with something sharp held tightly against your neck.
A yelp was the only sound you could make as the knife started to slowly break the skin that kept the cold piece of metal away from your windpipe.
  'So You're the cause for all the trouble in the mansion?'
You didn't answer and closed your eyes, not wanting to look at who ever was holding the knife up against your throat.
'Open your fucking eyes and look at my beautiful face, before I cut you into bits .'
You hesitantly opened your eyes and screamed at what you saw.

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