Chapter 15

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  You only whimpered in response as you turned your head to the side to avoid his faceless gaze. "Haha how pathetic". 

  You were so tried of people calling you weak, pathetic,and useless. You were done being pushed around. How dare he! You were far from pathetic. You SAVED Nate. You did ESCAPED the clowns room. You GOT AWAY from that smiling psycho. With all the rage and furious thoughts going through your mind, you had put all of that negative energy into a strong kick that landed right smack in the middle of the faceless beings face. You didn't even realize what was happening until you foot had collided with his pail skin. The fact that you didn't even think about doing it was probably why the tall man didn't stop it. It was obvious that he reads peoples mind like they're a children's book, like a quick and easy read. It was then you realized thats why he hadn't stopped you was because he didn't see it coming. 

  You mentally smirked to yourself as he dropped you in order to attempt to rub away the pain that your (shoe/size) foot had caused. You quickly darted down the dimly lit corridor, knowing that if he caught you your life would most definitely be coming to an end. 

 You didn't dare look back at the clearly pissed off creature behind you. You skillfully ran rounding corners, left, right, right, left, yet again getting lost in the maze of hall ways. As you continued to run, something wrapped around your ankle and pulled your legs out from underneath you. This unexpected action caused you to hit your head on the floor with a loud "thud". You screamed while your arms flew to cover your head in an attempted to make the pain subside. Alas, it didn't work. 

  You slowly opening your eyes to see a very unhappy Slenderman. Even though he did't have a face you could tell he was pissed.

"Wow I may have underestimated you (y/n). I didn't expect that. Please enlighten me, how did you manage to block me from entering your mind?" He said as he tightened his hold on your ankle, pulling you closer to him as he did so. 

"It's quite rude to go where you're not welcomed, to think I always thought you would be well mannered. I guess I overestimated you, looks like we're both at fault." You spoke with pain clearly present in your voice, yet you still smiled at him. 

  "(Y/n) you should know that there are some things I do not tolerate, smart asses being one of them." A tentacle shot out of his back and wrapped around your waist and threw you into the corridor wall. You groaned in pain as the hit the ground with a hard 'thud'. 


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