just an authors note

424 15 8

hey, I've been noticing that I've been getting like 3 votes per chapter and i used to get like 11 or 12, i feel like y'all not reading this anymore. i will try to do longer chapters in the future cuz they short af but can y'all do me a huge favour, please be honest, how would i make this story better then more ppl will read it because i do put a lot of time into this book i have like 20 unreleased chapters. can u tell me how to make this better because i rlly want this to be successful, even if i have to rewrite the whole thing☹️😔 but btw i will thank y'all for giving me nearly 3k reads! WHATTTT! i can't believe it! i came on here just for fun and now 3k people have actually read this! i am forever grateful for those that do read this but as i said before, give me some ideas for chapters and tell me how to make this better. i am not asking for votes but please comment if you actually read these chapters. but yah, thanks and please comment ♡

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