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Shortly after my appointment, we arrive home, tears streaming down my eyes and Mac trying to hold his in.

"You should really go and see Ricky." Mac says whilst locking the car door. "No i shouldn't. I'm having an abortion, that's what i want." I snap. "Ariana. Calm down." Mac lifts my chin up to connect our eyes. "No i won't calm down! I am not telling Ricky, i am writing to the doctor to get an abortion." I remove Mac's hand from my chin. "I want to have a baby with you, not Ricky." I start to raise my voice. "That's not possible at the moment, we've been together for only a week!" He raises his voice as well. "Guess what! I am not telling Ricky! I am getting an abortion. Now don't talk to me." I walk into the house and lay down on my bed.

"I'm pregnant with Ricky's baby." I mumble to myself.

"Ariana!" Mac shouts from downstairs. I stay silent. He makes his way upstairs and walks into the bedroom. "I don't want any shouting right now. Just stay calm. I want to talk to you." Mac gently puts his arms around me. "Listen, you need to tell Ricky, even if you get an abortion." He says. "I'm just scared of how Ricky will react if i tell him." I sob into Mac's chest. "You have to stay strong about it, even if he doesn't react the way you want him to. You have to tell him, there's no point in hiding it, the paparazzi will spread the news anyway." He replies. "I really want to tell him. I really do." I sigh. "How about we drive round to his house?" Mac asks. "Okay." I mumble.

We get in the car and drive off to Ricky's. "I don't know how I'm going to tell him Mac." I say. "It's the fact that you're not the father. I feel like I'm upsetting you." I peck Mac on the cheek. "Of course it's not good news for me, i am really happy for you." Mac smiles, cupping my tiny little bump, that is slightly visible. "You know I'm aborting it right?" I sigh. "Ariana. I'm being serious, don't. I want you to feel happy and all, please just don't." Mac slams the car door and walks me up to Ricky's house path. "Please accept my decision." I whisper, kissing Mac on the lips. "Okay." Mac sighs.

Nervously, i walk up the path and ring the doorbell. "Hi Ariana." Ricky says. "Is your girlfriend home?" I ask. "Maybe now is not the time." Ricky stutters. "Ricky, not in that way. We need to talk." I say quietly, in case his girlfriend was in the house. "Come in. Whatever." He opens the door for me. "Stephanie's out with her friends." Ricky smiles. I nod my head.

We sit on the couch. "Please don't get mad." I say, looking at my stomach. "Ariana. I'm not going to get mad." Ricky giggles. "Stay serious alright?" I loose my patience. "What would you like to tell me?" Ricky asks. "I'm pregnant and you're the father!" I say quickly, i don't dare to look at him. For about 5 seconds, there is silence. "I'm disgusted Ariana!" Ricky shouts. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I sob. "Get an abortion!" He continues shouting. "I am! I'm planning to!" I cry, walking nearer to the door. "Get out and don't come back."

Short chapter i know, i just want to keep you updated. Please tell me what you want to happen next, and if you want the baby to be a boy or a girl comment. Thanks for reading

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