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Ariana POV


"Wake up Princess." I hear Mac's voice tell me, "You don't wanna be late for our taxi." I wake up and kiss Mac's lips. "I can't believe we're going to Tokyo!" I smile and he laughs. "I've made you breakfast, it's your favourite." Mac smiles and if he made my favourite then it obviously would be vegan pancakes! "Thank you so much baby, you do so much for me and I'm forever grateful for you." A tear rolls down my eye, just thinking about Mac made me cry, he kissed my lips and i started to eat my breakfast. "I'll go and get the suitcases ready." He says and i nod. He walks upstairs and grabs the suitcases and returns downstairs. "I love you." He whispers as he kisses my cheek. "I love you too baby."

It was 2am in the morning so i was really tired, Mac had to wake me up just to get dressed, i fell asleep on the counter after finishing my breakfast or should i say 'midnight feast.' I picked out some mom jeans and a burgundy hoodie with some Adidas trainers. I tied my bangs back and put my hair down. "Ready to go baby?" I ask Mac and he nods after spraying some of his aftershave.

The taxi arrives at our front door and Mac carries the suitcases in the boot of the taxi. We hop in and the driver asks us where we're going. "LA Airport right?" The taxi driver asks. "Yes." Mac and i say in unison. "The journey will be about two hours so you'll arrive at the airport at 4am." We both nod and as soon as my head hits (gently) Mac's chest, i fall asleep. "No paparazzi will be out at this time." The taxi driver, who's name is Dave, giggles, i overheard Dave and Mac's conversation whilst i was drifting off to sleep. "I'm cold." I complain however, Mac soon puts his arms around me and kisses my head and i fall asleep again. "She's lucky to have you, you're lucky to have her." Dave says, Mac smiles. "You know, when i was your age i had a best friend, she had a fiancé and i had nobody. I was struggling at the time with drugs and cigarettes and she helped me through that. One day, she turned around and said that she and her fiancé had broken up, i felt so sorry for her because she loved him so much. And i helped her through that. When i was in my late thirties, i still had nobody and neither did my best friend. We both didn't have any children so we decided to have children together! And now we have seven kids believe it or not, i love them so much and I'm glad that has happened at that particular time in my life." Dave says with a tear rolling down his eye. "That's amazing, what are their names?" Mac asks Dave and i slightly smile. "Well, the first one we had was a girl and we named her Bow, second was a girl and we called her Nova, third was a girl and we called her Alaïa, fourth was a boy and we called him Prince, fifth, sixth and seventh were all adopted as triplets. Two boys and one girl, they're called Sam, Solomon and Sandra." Dave smiles just thinking about them, i know i was expecting my first child but i was already excited for more, i wanted to be the mom with seventy two kids or something.

We arrive at the airport and Mac tips Dave and shakes hands with him. "Wake up beautiful." Mac gently whispers, i wake up and peck his cheek. He carries me onto the pavement as he gets the suitcases from the boot, i try to help him but he stops me. "Not until baby is born." He whispers and i giggle. "Bye now." Dave waves at us and we wave back.

Mac wheels our suitcases into the airport and we have Scooter with us. "Hey guys! How are you?" He asks and we both reply. "Oh my god! I get to see baby bump for the first time!" Scooter lays his hands on my tiny bump and coos over it. "Shush! Be quiet." I gently slap his hand. "I've got you guys a fast pass so you go straight to giving your plane luggage to the workers." Scooter hands us two tickets. "Thank you so much!" I say. "ARI OMG! MAC! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE! Where are you heading?" A teenage girl with her mom screams. "Tokyo, where are you heading? I love you." I say to the girl. "We're heading to Atlanta, she's speechless right now." The mom says, Mac and i giggle. "We hope you have a good trip." Mac says smiling. "See you later guys." Scooter joins in the conversation. "She so could've heard you talking about the baby." I say as the teenage girl and mom walk away, I playfully roll my eyes to Scooter.

We hand in our luggage to the workers and head to security, we finally have time to look around shops and probably meet fans before our flight.

"I need fooood!" I moan and Mac takes my hand and walks me to a food court. "Thank you. I love you." I really mean it when i say 'i love you' Mac had always been there for me and he never complained, he did anything for me and he treats me like a princess and i couldn't be more thankful for him.

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