Pride Month Day 7 & 8

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Everyone should be this right here yall.
Skoliosexual: sexually (oof) attracted to Trans or Genderqueer/non binary people. Thats it for me lmao.
     Roman noticed exactly who he always fell for. Well, people who didn't exactly bind to the sex they'd been given. He had no idea why, but he certainly didn't complain. Not with his cute little trans nerd next to him, shyly holding his hand as they sit together at lunch. Their, quite gay, table of friends with them.
      No, maybe Roman wouldn't understand, but when he gets married to that cute little nerd, he wouldn't care anymore. He loves the ones he's with and he's loved back and that's more than he could ever ask for.
Day 8: demisexual
What is this one? Ooooo
Okay someone who needs to know another for a longer amount of time to feel yeah... No i get it 👌
     Virgil simply had trust issues. It didn't stem from anywhere but his anxiety. It seems his brain just hates him, but it saves him from people who could potentially be awful, so he couldn't complain as much.
     Not when it lands him in a really nice friend group who he stays with throughout middle and high school. And with people telling him that you don't really keep high school friends, he figures he's going to be single forever. Though, once he moves into student accommodation in college, finding he's rooming with two out of three of his high school friends, he merely brushes off what the adults say. He hasn't stopped talking to Logan (who had gone straight to Harvard for law instead of the community college he, Roman and Patton have.) He wouldn't give up his friend group for the world. Not even when, at the start of their 3rd year, Roman confesses to him that he'd had a crush on the darkly dressed boy for a while now, but didn't want to tell him because somehow, Roman had figured he'd been demisexual and needed time. And Roman had been right, after all even with their petty middle school squabbling, high school had brought them closer along with the last two years. So Virgil agreed to go on a date with him and see how it goes. Virgil couldn't lose their friendship to something like this, to simple romantic feelings that he had had since the previous year (but was surely too anxious to act on.)
     Yet, on their fifth date, sitting across from eachother at a nice coffee shop two blocks away from their college, he was happy. He'd brought it up, asked how Roman would feel to being official (after a lot of hesitation and stuttering) and Roman had merely stated if it was he wanted.
     And well, Virgil had to makes a snarky comment back, why else would he ask of course? With a final laugh from them both, they agreed to make it official, sealing it that night, after a disney movie, with a small kiss.
You can tell these are rushed 👌

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