Day 10: Flowing (Solangelo)

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It just had to rain the day before, Nico thought, glaring at the swollen river. He was strictly not allowed to shadow travel, but he disliked water so much he was tempted to. Except everytime he was close to doing such, Will was there, as if the son of Apollo had a second sense for that type of stuff. Nico huffed out a breath, knowing it wouldn't be good to try, especially with Will on the other team for Capture The Flag.
So he trudged into the quickly flowing river and to the other side, a scowl set on his features from the cold of his soaked jeans. This made him more dead set on winning, so he went further. Sticking to the shadows easily, only to be met with Will guarding the flag along with Lou Ellen. Nico definitely wasn't in the mood to become a porker, so he'd have to be sneaky in this. Get it and get out quickly, fast enough that Lou wouldn't be able to do anything with the Mist.
Nico quietly huffed out a frustrated breath. Maybe he'd be able to summom a few skeletons, but even that seemed daunting and he'd get a talking to from Will...
When did I care what Will did? Nico thought, shaking his head. He quickly focused back on the task at hand, paying attention to the sound of fighting throughout the forest. It all sounded far off which meant he was the only one to get this close and it certainly wasn't going to be easy. He was extremely sure this stupid clearing was meant so he couldn't hide.
Nico would be damned if he still didn't go for it. So he snuck as close as he could in the shadows, his eyes never leaving the two guards who talked casually. Nico wasn't registering what the talk was about either, and if he had he would've known it was about him.
He relished in a small victory of getting behind them and grabbing onto the flag, that was until his legs were suddenly knocked out from under him and he rolled as reflex. Will had sweeped out his legs, a smug grin on the blondes features as Lou just stood back to see how this would play out.
Nico got back to his feet, his own grin lighting his features. At least he'd have time to stall for any of his team to get there and he could have fun in the meantime. Surely, he could get back at Solace now for those commanding orders of bedrest in the infirmary (where he ended up helping more than resting anyway).
It was after the game, where the Apollo, Hecate, Hermes, and gods, far too many cabins to name at the moment, won. Nico only gave Will a glare when the blonde grinned at him as they trudged back, having wadded yet again through the swollen and quick flowing river (where, much to Nicos displeasure, he had slipped slightly and Will had steadied him, leaving skeletal butterflies to swarm his stomach as he pulled away from the son of Apollo).
Nico was about to just turn in and go to his cabin, at least until Will stopped him just at the edge of the forest. Nico huffed and turned to face the other, crossing his arms in irritation. "Look, I'm fine and not in the mood for a lecture because I raised one-"
"Actually, though I am kinda mad about that," Will started, giving a sheepish grin to the son of Hades. "I was going to ask... That is if you'd like... Uhh... To see the fireworks with me in a week?"
Nico was floored, blinking owlishly at Will. Will Solace, the guy that, yes, he has a crush on, (but, no, he would not admit it) had jist asked him to see the fireworks with him. "As... As in a date or...?"
Will nodded furiously, his sheepish smile widening. "Yeah, a date, Nico."
"Uhh, yeah... Sure..." Nico couldn't stop the smile that adorned his face when Will cheered, unashamed to hug Nico.
"Great! I uhh... I shouldn't say I'll see you there, you did promise to help in the infirmary tomorrow... So uhh... See you tomorrow, Nico!" Then he was off in a flurry of blonde and bronze, leaving Nico chuckling to himself as he walked back to his own cabin.
733, went way over the mark but now you know why its being posted so late.
Part four of the competition is gonna go up tomorrow, maybe early in the morning, im not sure. X3 but uhh... Hope yall enjoy this one!

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