(Sanders Sides)

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This is... Is kinda a vent fic or whatever... Uhh... I didn't have a good day and yeah... So...
TW: dysphoria, ignorant words (haha still not in a good mood), uhh... Just... Some real assholish words about gender...
    Logan didn't know why (definitely the guy Thomas had met) or why it had affected him so much (certainly his own little secret), but he was stuck in his room, using work as an excuse. And excuse not to see his boyfriends who he knew were worrying about him, but he couldn't, wouldn't talk to them about his current feelings.
    No, definitely not these ones. He didn't think they would accept him, which he had told himself was illogical, after all they did love him for himself.
     Logan let out a weak pained laugh at his thought process. Him, yes, but not according to the man Thomas had met earlier in the day. No, according to that man there were only two genders (which of course Thomas had defended against, having Non-Binary pals as his friends) and that whatever genitalia one was born with, determines their gender. That was what had bothered Logan, extremely.
     Because the one thing he avoided with his full ability, was anything too intimate with his boyfriends. Not when it made it easy for them to find out that Logan wasn't originally a he.
      Logan took a deep breath as the words played through his mind again, of what the man had tried to tell Thomas, of what he said about Thomas' friends (and inadvertantly Logan himself.)
    There are only two genders, the man had told Thomas, much to the angerment of the four sides who were watching from the control room. And they are born with those genders, anything else is faked. Absolutely faked.
     Logan blinked as his vision blurred and his breathing became unsteady. He was panicking and he let out a choked laugh, covering his mouth from the sob that followed. Of course, of course he would do this to himself. He had to calm down, he knew he would have to, very soon. Or his boyfriends (specifically Virgil) would be able to feel his anxiety (or maybe Patton with his dad sense for negative emotions.) He was correct as a few moments later there was a hesitant knock on his door.
    "Logan...?" Floated in Virgils worry laced voice.
     Logan took a deep shuddering breath. "Yes, Virgil?" He winced at his voice crack, his hands flying over his mouth again to hide another sob that built up.
     He heard vaguely Pattons voice, soon followed by Roman, all of them concerned and causing more tears to fall. Yet he didn't want to get up, not when he had unknowingly backed himself against the furthest wall and slid down it. With his knees hugged against his chest and his thoughts blocking out his boyfriends worried voices, he sobbed uncontrollably. Forgoing his glasses as he wiped the tears furiously, he didn't hear or see when his boyfriends broke into his room. At least, not until a hand laced with his, cold pale fingers in his own.
    "Logan, I need you to breath with me okay?" Came a soft voice. "Follow my movements; In for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, out for 8."
      He continued to be coached through it, his breathing finally steadying and the tears stopping. He could finally register the colours (due to the lack of glasses) that he attributed to Virgil in front of him, the one who was holding his hand. Patton gently set Logan's glasses back on his head, giving the logical trait a sad smile.
    "Oh, Logy," Patton said softly, sitting himself next to the trait and hugging him, something Logan welcomed greatly. "What's wrong?"
      Logan took a deep breath. "Earlier... I apologize, it should not have affected me as it did."
      Roman was finally back, a gladd of water in his hands as he sat himself in front of the smarter trait. "It's fine, Logan. None of us took that well."
      "Given the fact you nearly made Thomas punch that guy, I'd say I prefer your reaction Logan," Virgil jokes slightly, sending Logan a smile who returns his own grateful smile.
      Roman passed him the water, Logan sighing and taking a sip. "Well there's... There is something I should tell you all..." He trailed off, taking another drink of his water to help with his suddenly dry mouth.
     "Anything, Lolo," Patton smiled openly at him, causing Logans heart to swell. "We love you."
      "I... Love you all too," Logan blushed slightly at the confession, he always did. "But... I... I am uh... Am... Trans..." Logan stuttered out nervously, looking down the cup so he wouldn't see his boyfriends faces. Surely, they hated him now. He hadn't told them anything about this and now-
    "Well that certainly explains a lot," Roman quips, leaning forward and kissing Logans forehead. "But you're still the boyfriend we know and love, whether you were born a boy or not."
    Logan felt more tears prick at his eyes, these far happier than the last. "I... Thank you," he said weakly, sniffling as his boyfriends pulled him into a huge hug.
      "Well, you're still you, Lo," Virgil said. "Our nerdy boyfriend."
      "Vee!" Patton scolded, causing Logan to laugh.
       "Yes," Logan smiled, burying his head into the chest of the closest trait. "I love you all, my wonderful boyfriends."
I uhh... I didnt know how to end it.
But uh... Point out errors if there are some and for anyone who reads this bottom part uh....
So basically what happened was, in one of my classes (which is Photography so however this became a topic eludes me) some kid started to talk abt gender. And he was on and on abt how theres only genders (which i am not ok with bc one of my closest friends is non binary) and how someone born with a dick is a dude and girl gentalia is a girl. As a Genderfluid (maybe trans) male, I was obviously 2x as furious and very very close to an attack myself. And it took all of my will power not to say anything, not to get up and out myself in front of an entire class where I. Definitely wouldve cried so... Yeah, i was shit storm for the rest of the day and I just...
Wrote this. So, heres something important:
FUCK people like that, they don't know shit. They obviously can't care to know shit either cause their heads are so far up their asses they're still in 1930 or some shit. So know, whoever you are, whatever you are or if you're still figuring yourself out, you're valid. You will always be valid.

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