Chloe felt a weight lifting from beside her and saw Aubrey leaving.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm bored so I'm going to see if Stacie needs any help." And with that she disappeared into the kitchen.

After Aubrey went off small chatter started amongst the rest of them. They started to feel more at ease now that they were safely in the house.

Secretly they all thought one thing. They were safer because they were now together. Even Emily had started to calm down as she Lucky started to rub against her leg and she cradled him in her arms.

Everyone started to be more at ease; except Chloe, who kept her eyes on Nilrem.


"Hey need some help?" Stacie turned around to face the blonde that had just entered the kitchen. "Sure, I could use the company," she replied with a smile.

"All right," Aubrey rubbed her hands together to get ready to work. "So what are we making?"

"Well I'm trying to make lasagne, but this book jumps from the middle of the recipe to a recipe for chicken salad." Stacie flipped the page again and again but got the same results.

"Umm.... maybe try pulling these two apart?" Aubrey stepped in and gently pulled the two pages that were stuck together apart.

After Aubrey had neatly pulled the pieces of paper away from each other; she smiled at a stunned Stacie. The werewolf turned around and walked over to a closed cupboard and softly banged her head against it.

"What are you doing?" the blonde chuckled.

"I am sulking because I used to be smart and now I'm even dumber than Beca," the brunette mumbled earning a 'hey!' as said girl happened to pass by.

"Oh shut up. You know out of all of us you do the worst in school." Stacie still had her face against the wood and Beca shrugged as she silently agreed and walked off.

"Oh come on it was an honest mistake," Aubrey tried to soothe the girl, "Plus nobody can be as dumb as Beca." Stacie chuckled slightly at that and Aubrey couldn't understand why, but that made her happy.

The vampire gently pulled Stacie to look at her. "Let's go. You handle the ingredients and I'll handle the book, seeing as I am the better one to read it." Aubrey finished off with a smile and a slight wink.

"Gee; that makes me feel sooo much better," both girls laughed and started to work on preparing dinner.


Meanwhile in the living room, the group were going around the room asking questions about each other to help the 'bonding process'.

"So why are you here Beca?" Nilrem asked the brunette who was actually just comfortable listening and didn't want to ask.

"Well I didn't really want to be here, but this poor thing would've been lost without me," she playfully nudged Emily who responded with sticking her tongue out. "So I was friendly forced to come along and look out for her."

"And if anyone tries to hurt her, or any of us. We will hunt them down and make them pay," Chloe stated and cast a cold glare at Nilrem for a brief second. As everyone stared at her she smiled and turned back to her normal self. "So how was my Amy impression?"

Amy stood up from the floor and gave the redhead a standing ovation.

"That's the spirit Red! Make them paaayyy!" Amy roared the last part like the way a wrestler would.

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