"What was that the two of you were talking about just now?" the two looked at each other skeptically. Seokjin glanced questioningly at Taehyung who however didn't give him a single ounce of his attention.

"Nothing of importance-" one of them faltered, wondering why the king even asked such a thing.

Are they not allowed to talk to each other while standing in the throne hall? He has worked in the palace for five years now, he was sure there was no such a rule. So what was it that angered the king so much?

"I asked you a question Soldier Myung and I expect an answer without any excuses." by now the king's voice was full of venom, the two soldiers were sure there was no way getting out until telling him what he wants.

"Me and Soldier Im saw one of your brides at the market today." soldier Myung announced, his voice still laced with a little bit of confusion and dread.

"Who was she with?" the soldier pondered at the question, not knowing how to answer at first.

"I apologize but I never saw those people before so I'm not able to answer properly. All I know is, that she was with an old woman and a guy, maybe around her age." scoffing at the obvious answer, Taehyung glanced at the group of young girls, a blonde crown-of-hair standing out the most.

An unrecognizable emotion awoke in the pit of his stomach, the burning feeling eating away at is insides as his eyes burned aflame. The intimidating aura he was trying to contain made the air around him stiff and heavy.

He didn't like the feeling, he really didn't. It was making hard for him to control his powers and his aura, it was making him want to burn down the whole castle to ashes in a pure rage.

He didn't recognize the burning, angering feelings, therefore he despised it.

"I see." muttering, he finally tore his gaze away and to the two soldiers standing in the pools of their cold sweat. "Thank you Joohyun, you said enough. You both can go now." they both sighed in relief, glad they could finally escape the stiff room and the sour emperor .

"As you wish, your Majesty." they both chanted before scurrying out of the throne hall.

"What was that about?" nagged Seokjin as soon as the door behind them closed, the older already snaring at the king who was sitting in front of him.

"Nothing." the king sighed, turning to glance at his friend "Do you perhaps know who Chaeyoung met up with?" he jerked his eyebrow, staring as the older cleared his throat, considering whether to say the truth.

"If I'm not mistaken, she was supposed to meet up with her friend Jungkook today." he said the truth in the end, knowing nothing would escape his younger friend anyway.

Taehyung had thousands ways of how to find out anything he wanted whether it considered the palace or the whole kingdom. And there was no way Seokjin would walk out without consequences once Taehyung found out he lied. The consequences meaning a silent treatment and a cold shoulder for at least two weeks. The younger knew how to hold his grudges.

"Jungkook, huh?" Taehyung sneered silently, looking back at front.

Truth to be told, he already had the hunch it was the Jungkook guy. Now he had it confirmed and he didn't like the truth at all. The burning in his stomach only increased with the mention of the guy.

Seokjin could sense his friend going out of control right in front of him, making him concerned. Not only for his friend but for himself and the people around as well. Because God knew what could happen after his friend lost all the sanity there was left.

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