chapter 24- bromances and Primary school friends

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A/N: this chapter will be continuing on from last :) if you couldnt tell by the title it contains some of my otp's ily!!


"MOOOOO!" i screeched out of boredom "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOoOOOO"

"PHILLL SHUT UP, IM TRYING TO RECORD A VIDEOOOOO AND I JUST KEEP ON HEARING YOU BEING A COW LIKE YOU ARE!" Dan yelled from his room.. he did not just call me a cow!

"I THINK YOU MEANT YOUR MUM IS!" i replied trying not to chuckle


"YA, LOVE ME THOUGH!" i said laughing at his comment


after about 5 minutes of being bored out of my brain i decided to scare Dan.

i ran ito his room and screamed i looked around and noticed he wasn't in there... i turn to leave but im stopped by Dan jumping out at me with a wolf mask on...(like in the gif )

i jump back and fall onto the ground..

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAhahahaAHAHAHAHahahahAhahaHAhaahahahaAHAHaHahahAHaha" Dan falls to the ground laughing

"I HATE YOU DANIEL" i yelled at him in his face... I knew he hated being called by his full name

"AWWWW IM SORRY PHILLIP" he took off the mask and started to fake cry "PWEASE WOVE MWEEE PHWL..I WOVEE OUUUUU"

he walked up to me a gave me a massive bear laying down as well remember and he's awkwardly tall ... so it turned out pretty awkward... we both turned red in the face... i really wanted him to kiss me.. wait what am i saying?!? okayyyyyyyyy..... anywayss... i was snapped out of my thoughts as Dan awkwardly got off of me... i slowly followed...standing up... Dan awkwardly scratched the back of his neck... like he always does when he's nervous...

"S-Sorry Phil... i didnt mean to-" he started to say

"It's okay Dan"... we awkwardly stood there... the silence was broken by someone knocking on the front door.

"I'll get it" I awkwardly shuffled out of the room...

Troye (sivan)'s P.O.V

"TROYE-BOY" i hear Korey(kuhl) yell from the kitchen of Zoes appartment

"WHAT?!?" i yell like an Australian bogan


"YUP JUST LEMME get mEH SHOES ON!" i say running to get my black converse from by the Guinea pig cage and slipping them on. 

********at starbucks ********

we walked in and the place was empty exept for a group of guys surrounding a girl sitting in the corner, one turned to look at us and he looked familiar... he looked around 16ish... then it clicked it was....

Chelsea's P.O.V~hahaha you will never know who this mystery person in starbucks is

i decided i needed a bit of an alone time and told the guys  i was gonna go penny boarding around town for a bit.

"I just need some alone time" i told Niall and Zayn

"be back before 7... it's 3.30 now" Zayn said...

"okay" i yelled to them walking out the door with my penny board, it had light blue wheels and its board was pastel pink... 

i was skating around quietly for about 5 minutes to starbucks... i wiped my eyes free of any tears from my little episode earlier, and walked in i quickly ordered a chocolate frap... why?.. cause i can.. thats why! 

i walked to a seat with my head down.... i was about 2 steps away from a seat when i suddenly bumped into someone,

"OH MY GOD! I'M SO SOR-" i started appologising

"IT'S FIN- Chelsea?" i looked up and saw Trevor(moran) ((A/N to my friends: i had to do it :P)) 

"Trevor?!" i stared at him in shock

You see Trev and I were/ might still be? best friends in Primary school, we lived next door to each other when the accident with my parents happened... i mightve had a little biit of a crush on him then.. 

"Hey?" i say"Long time no see!" i add laughing

he chuckled and said "You should come and sit with me and my friends!"

i agreed and went over too the group of his friends

"GUYS!" Trevor yelled quieting down his friends

"Trev... who is this?" one of them asked

"This, Sam, is Chels... i went to primary school with her!" Trevor announced to the group

"chely!" i laughed at the nickname he used to call me 

"This is Sam, Kian, Connor, JC and Ricky!" he told me pointing at  each  of the boys while saying their names. they all individually said hi.'



what is up?

anyway sorry i this chap is long... an didnt make sense

i just wanna clear something up!

Chelsea is now 16 :P

okay now!


xoxo Chelsea


P.S i dedicate this chapter to..... YOU

They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang