Chapter 23?

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A/n: I'm adding extra youtuberssss cause it's meh story and I.can (they will all be living in Aus in this story!) Okaies continue!

Dan(isnotonfire)'s p.o.v

I was laying in bed editing my latest video when my phone next to me started vibrating and started playing the llama song..

'Here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little Llama ,Fuzzy Llam-'

"Hello?" I ask whoever is on the other side of the phone call.

"Dan? It's me Zoe! I was just wondering if you have heard from the twins? I tried calling them and they didn't answer, tyler was supposed to be doing a collab with him, he went to there apartment and they weren't there... Do you know where they are?" Zoe(lla) said into the phone with one breath..

"Zoe! Breathe... I'll try to call Jack now.. Talk to ya later Zoe!"

"Thanks Dan.. Tell phil I said hi... Okay.. Speak to you later" she said and hung up the phone.

"PHIL!" I yelled through our apartment

"What, are you hurt? Is everything ok?" He ran in, looked at me then rolled his eyes as he walked out

"Zoe said hi!" I laughed and started to go through my contacts..

I finally found Jacks contact and clicked on the small phone symbol.

The phone rang for about 30 seconds before it went to voice mail

"Hello, you have reached jack.. I'm busy a-" I hung up and threw the phone on the bed and continued editing the video.. I'll try to call Finn later... Or never.. Depends on what time i finish editing.. And eating....and doing whatever else that I need to do..

Tyler(oakley)'s p.o.v (before Zoe and dan's phone call)

It' seen a while since I've last been in Australia, and I've decided that I'm gonna be doing collabs with the gang in Oz... Today I'm doing a collab with Jack and Finn.

I left Zoe and Alfie's house and head to Jack and Finns apartment.

As The taxi pulled up outside the apartment building, something didn't feel right... I got out of the taxi and went up the elevator to jack and Finns place...

I knocked a number of times and there was no answer... I got out my phone and dialled Finns number... It went straight to voice mail...

I left the building and went back to Zoe's place..

"That was quick!" Troye laughed as I walked through the door

"They weren't home!" I said as I sat down next to him on the couch

"Kay... Whatcha wanna do then?" He asked

"When I got to the building.. It felt like something was wrong?.. Do you know what I mean?" I ask in a hushed tone

"I had the exact same feeling this morning ty!" He whispered back

"ZOEEEEEEE!" I yelled

"Yeah?" She yelled back

"They weren't there?!"

"Oh.. That's unusual!" She walked into the living area

"We should check if anyone knows where he is?"

"Kay!... I'll call dan"


Finally an update!

I know it may be short... But I like it!



They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora