Chapter 20- 000?~ short chapter

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Ughhh... My head is killing me.. What happened..

I looked up at Louis who had called the boys into the living room

They all started giving each other looks..

"What?" I asked

"We will need to tell 'er sooner or later" zayn said.... The boys nodded and Harry started to speak..

"Uhh.. Well I'm just gonna say it... Chelsea.. We are-" he was cut short by someone knocking at the door..

"We shall continue this later" Liam said

I looked up at Niall.. He looked really awkward.. As if he wanted to tell me something..

"No... Please.. Don't hurt me.... " we heard Harry yell..

We all looked at each other and ran to the door I got there just after Niall...

I looked at him.. He had wide eyes... I looked over to where he was looking at... Harry was laying in a pool of his own blood...just like how they found my parents...tears stung the back of my eyes.. Threatening to spill out..Louis bent over him crying (LARRY)

"Liam.. Help him... Please" he whimpered

"Take him to my office" Liam said strictly...

Why aren't they calling the ambulance.. Or the police on that matter

"Why aren't you calling 000? ( 911/999/ etc. for you other ppl who don't use 000) he could die?!?!" I asked worriedly

"don't stress love.. he'll be ok" Zayn said soothingly

What!?!? he's laying in a pool of blood.. and hes gonna be okay?!?!

Louis who was carrying Harry suddenly disappeared... what the fu-fruitcake


hey guys sorry for the late update... and its sooo short... soorrrryyyyyyy

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you should be thankful... im updating during class :P

xoxo.. send me ur ideas!!..







gossip girl :P

lol soz...


They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now