chapter 18- zayn's p.o.v *short chap*

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~~like 2 minutes before the attack~~

~~Zayn's p.o.v~~

something seemed off... the air seemed thick.. somethings going on... the boys and I were having a conversation about when we are gonna tell Chels about our secret...

I heard a creak coming from above.. I have the best hearing in the household.. the boys didn't seemed to be fazed..

"I'll be right back.." I got off my seat and slowly walked up the stairs.. I would usually use my vampire speed, but I don't want to scare away whatever made that noise.. and what if Chelsea was just walking around and saw me sprinting full speed.. I continued to follow the noise... Chelsea's door was snapped shut.. if that was them.. that took a while to get up here..

I got over to the door.. just as I was about to put my ear to the door I heard a loud gunshot like noise.. Shit.. The boys were behind me in no time at all.. I tried opening the door.. but it wouldn't budge..

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!" we heard Chelsea scream.. what, someone else is in there?

I heard someone speaking.. it sounded like a male.. it went quiet.

"CHELSEA... OPEN UP THE DOOR!!" harry yelled from behind me..

we heard a small squeak.. then it all went quiet again..

"Chelsea??" Liam asks


"WHO ARE YOU?!?" was heard again

The male started talking again

Me and the boys started to get worried so we decided it would be best to get the door open...

we pushed the door down off it hinges..

there Chelsea was.. standing pushed to the wall by a large male.. one look at his face and I know that we all knew he was a vamp.. yuk.. Harry- who was in werewolf mode- pounced on top of him while Liam ran to help Niall.. I saw Chelsea faint so I went over to pick her up.


hey guys..

yeah I know..

its short.. and It seems like a filler..




stay safe, stay strong xoxoxoxo


They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ