chapter 10-dinner

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after Me, Bree and Milly finished hugging and screaming, I wiped my tears of joy..what..we haven't seen each other for Ages... so don't look at me that way!!!

"Its been sooo long.." I laughed

"I know" the both said together

"If you three have finished screaming and crying.. dinner is ready and is in the dining room.. me and the boys made it all.. well Niall didn't.. he just ate it all.." Zayn said cooly

"kay.." Milly cheered.. I notice that she has an accent.. why have I never noticed it before.. its a lot like Zayns..

"we've got a lot to catch up on!" Bree sang.. she is from New Zealand.. she has a kiwi accent. Now I'm picking up on everyone's accents..

"we better get our food before Niall gets it" I laughed "and cause I like food" I added

we made our way to the dining room.. Milly led the way. we walk through the door and see Niall practically drooling over the food.. hahaha.. he aint getting any of meh food!! my food is only my food.. that reminds me I better get my emergency jar of nutella out of my suitcase.. yeah... you heard that right.. I got an emergency jar of nutella.. I kinda stole it from the kitchen at the orphanage.. don't tell anyone that! hehe..

I sat down at the overly large table between Milly and Bree, Niall (who is still staring at the food) is sitting across from me.

 "shall we eat?!" Liam called out

Niall's face lit up like a kid receiving presents on Christmas...

"lets have a toast first!" Harry chuckled as Niall huffed

"I'm joking Nialler!" he laughed

as soon as Harry said that Niall practically shoved the food down his throat..

I just sat and stared at him.. what the fudge?!?.. that boy sure can eat!!..

we all ate and spoke about things..

we soon finished dinner, me and the girls sprinted up to my room, we all got puffed out running up the 3 flights of stairs, I opened up the door and we all collapsed on my bed..

"well that's my workout for the day!" I laughed

we got ourselves together and started chatting about everything in general, we got onto the topic of friends, I told them about Brydie and they told me about a girl named Kiely, they told me that she was quirky.. like me!! so we would get along well..

" you should come over for a sleepover!!" I sang

"YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!" they screamed 

after sorting out the sleepover, I grabbed the phone that Niall gave me earlier (It had music on it) and put it on the IPhone dock that was sitting in the corner.

It started playing a song that sounded familiar.. Its the song the boys were singing to me on the way here. I ran over to my phone dock and saw that the song was 'little thing's' by One Direction and it had a picture of the boys jumping around..

They are sooo weird..

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*'*~*~*~*~**~*~*~yayyyyyy another chapter.. sorry its short

Kiely your in it :Danyways I wrote a poem!! here it is:

thank you

She was teased,

for her obsession with One direction,

No one realised, they saved her life,

or how many times shes picked up a knife, They have no idea, she nearly spared her life.

Styles, Tomlinson, Malik, horan and Payne, They didnt even know her name, Harry, Louis,Zayn, Niall, Liam

She spends her time,

slitting her arm, She fell all those times, her arms covered in scares.

They've been around for 4 years,

she has shed so many tears, cried hours on end, woundering when it will all end.

Please, she cried, please save me,

Just as she gave up, 5 arms picked her back up.

She looked at the familliar faces, those ones she covered her walls with,

Thankyou, she cried, Thankyou.

(stay stong xoxox)  this wasn't about anyone in particular

bah bye!!




They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now