chapter 12-drama llama

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~~~Calum's p.o.v~~~

I shall win!!


While Me and Ashton were having a stare down the others left..

"I SHALL WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.." he whispered quite harshly

"pfft.. what ever drummer boy!" I scoffed

"girls go for the drummers...Hood" he said in a duh tone

"and you are older then her.."

"age doesn't matter... and im only 2 years older then her... remember the boys told us she was 17"

I rolled my eyes and walked out to find the others

~~~Bree's p.o.v~~

~~~~~day after~~~~~~~

"SUPPERRRRMAAAAAAANNNN!!!" Louis screamed jumping onto the couch next to me

"yeahh?!" I say..

"I'm Superman.. duh!" Louis being his sassy self

" I AM SUPERMAN!!! " I yelled at him

" But you are a girl... so I AM superman" he waves his hands around

"Hey girls.. what are you talking about?" Chelsea walks in and sitting in the middle of me and Louis

"Chelsea tell him I AM SUPERMAN!!" I faked crying

"I've been superman since 2010!" Louis chuckled

"shes been superman since 1st grade..hahaha" Milly joined us on the couch

Louis just huffed

"us girls are on a role!!" Chelsea laughed

Calum walked in and sat on Chelsea's lap

Chelsea looked at me with questioning eyes

Ashton walked in and stared into Calum's soul... somethings goin' on here...

"hey.." Milly drags on.."did I miss something" she motioned to Ashton and Calum who is still sitting on Chelsea.

"I honestly don't know?!?" I say

"Cal.. why are you siting on poor innocent Chelsea when there is plenty of other seats around?" Liam asks

"She looked comfy" he whined hugging Chelsea.. she looked just as confused as Milly.. Ashton's face went red..ohhhh I understand what's going on.. Ash likes Chelsea... Calum must be teasing him.. I got an idea..

"Hey Chelsea.." I use her full name.. her head snaps in my direction

"what?! and how many times do I have to tell you not to use my full name?!" she rolls her eyes

"Since you're single...and ready to mingle.. lets go meet some guys" I winked

Milly seemed to catch on "yeahhh" she sung...

"umm.. ok.." she blushes

~~~Chelsea's p.o.v~~~

what is going on with these girls?!? they never talk about guys... somethings up!!

~~~~~after leaving house~~~

we turned into a car park in front of starbucks (ive really never been to starbucks before soooo...)

What are we doing here?!

"Come on!" Bree and Milly shout at me

I got out of the car and ran into the shop and waited in the line.. While waiting I decided what to get


It's 9:30pm..


Btw.. Jack is Jack Harris.. Youtubers... Jacksgap ...look them up!



They chose me? (1D, 5SOS and, jacksgap phanfic feat. youtubers)-- discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now