chapter 22- save me... [part 2.](short)

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(this chapter starts in Harry's p.o.v!!!)

**moments before the incident**

This is it, we were about to tell Chelsea what we really are... we are all scared of her reaction though

we all started giving each other looks.. we were nervous, and freaking out alittle bit.

"What?" She asked

"We will need to tell 'er sooner or later" zayn said.... us boys nodded nodded and she looked extremely confused I started to speak..

"Uhh.. Well I'm just gonna say it... Chelsea.. We are-" I was cut short by someone knocking noisily at the door..

"I'll get it.." I mumbled

I dragged my feet across the hallway floor towards the front door, A dark shadow was seen through the coloured glass beside the door.. what the-

i slowly opened the door to see the same guy that had attacked Niall and Chelsea last night ((A/N OMG i cant remember when they were attacked!!)) i was about to close the door but it suddenly became like slow motion,

"No... Please.. Don't hurt me.... " i yelled..

He swiftly pulled out a gun and pulled at the trigger, a sleek silver bullet came hurtling though the air and landed through the side of my torso... the pain couldn't be explained in words, the nameless guy turned around and disappeared, The last the i remember seeing is a freaked out Liam, 

"Save me.." i whispered quietly, i think i was the only one that heard me, i saw dots covering my vision... soon enough i was in complete darkness...


yayyyy.. so you now gott Hazza's p.o.v 

Im sorry its sooooooooooo short 

anyways, i wrote this during my science class, i finished my biology test and got 85%!!  i think i did pretty good




xoxo Chelsea

ps. ive been obsesed with Troye Sivan, Dan howell (danisnotonfire) and Phil Lester (amazingphil) lately.. i need help

pps. i was thinking about making a youtube channel what should I do on it?

ppps. hahahahaha,,,,,, i like comments, shares, VOTES, annnnddd follows, I follow back!!

mkay bye!

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