How many kids theys have and Ext.

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This is after the whole apocalypse.


Lawrence would have two kids, twins.

The girl would probably be named Anastasia, Lawrence chose, and take after you a lot other than she gets obsessed with stuff easily, like Lawrence. Definitely a daddy's girl though.

And the boy would be names Micheal, chosen by you, he takes after Lawrence in looks but in personality he's definitely his own person. Nothing like either of you. He's mommy's little helper with everything and him and his father fight more often than not.


He would have five. (I know that's a lot but I grew up being the oldest of five and I feel like he would too.) Four boys and one girl, the girl being the youngest.

The oldest is Eric, name chosen by Ethan. Eric, of course, is very athletic. If he's not at a sports practice or game he's working out or working on stamina. And if he's not being active he's eating, unlike his father instead of sleeping to get energy, which he still does, Eric eats. He'll cary a backpack full of food no matter where he goes and he definitely orders the most amount of food out of all of you.

Exactly 11 months younger is Grayson. A name chosen by the one and only (Y/n) after a character, you only call him Grayson if he's in trouble if not it's Gray. Gray is you little bean, unlike his brother or father he prefers to spend his time learning new fashion trends and makeup styles. The one thing he treasures the most is his beautiful long dark blue hair. But he does have a habit of asking himself questions and then 2 seconds later answering it. "What's today?? The 13th" or "What's for dinner again?? Potato casserole."

A year and a half later Julian was born. A name chosen by his father. Although Julian loves sports to death and everything about it he'd much rather keep to himself. Other than his best friend and family he thinks people are a waste of space. He's been kinda in a long term 'emo' stage type thing. So he'll only play sports if it's with his brothers.

Adam was born 2 years after that. Name picked out by Ethan. He's a little ball of energy if he's not playing sports he's talking everyone's ears off. He has to be doing something productive or energy consuming or else he will purposely break something to get your attention. Not a bad kid just needs jobs or attention. He only gets like 5 hours a sleep and apparently that's all he needs to be full of three days worth of energy.

5 years later, you unexpectedly got pregnant again only this time with a girl. Her name is Joyce name picked out by you, after months of arguing. Not only is she daddy's little princess she's also all the boys pride and joy. NO ONE FICKS WITH HER. She's the sweetest and most innocent thing in the world, thanks to all the guys. You feel really bad for her and do what you can but for the most part she has NO privacy. She can't get on the Internet unless someone's watching her. Ethan has the track thing on her phone. The only reason she has a phone is because at 13 he got scared that something would happen and there's an open door policy just for her. Of course Ethan swaddles her in every way but you mostly think it's in necessary. Although she is as much as a weeb as you do that how you guys bond. ANIME BINGE WATCHING!!


One beautiful little girl named Primrose. Although you call her Rosey. The tallest Rosey gets is 5'1 and is very petite. She hates getting dirty and all animals but she never throws a fit she'd rather suffer in silence. She loves plants and cartoons and she always does what she told and never argues back. The only thing the could make her cry is if you and Harry got hurt, you two arguing or someone yelling at her. She's the light in both of yours and Harry's life.


This red ball of flames ended up with three of the monsters. Trust me, raising three munchkins that came from Zion is nothing easy!

We have Twin (older) Charlie, picked out by Zion. Ziana is a exact replica of Zion personality and is exactly what Zion would look like as a girl. Personality wise she more, let's say, rebellious. By the time she was 13 she was already kicked out of two different schools and suspended nine different times. Each time more creative than the last. She's super smart and even smart when it comes to street smarts. Between her and her brother she's the one that protects him. Ziana knows everyone and most know, don't get on her bad side. Her motto is "Zianas the name, and tortures my game!"

Then we have Marcel (younger twin and name again picked out by Zion), looks exactly like Zion but his personality is totally different from his. Marcel is quiet, shy, prefers to stay in the house all day. If he's not reading, playing video games or watching tv he's most likely asleep. Super smart but goes out of his way to avoid people.

6 years later Josephine (name picked out by you) as born. Although she likes to go out and fo stuff. Whether I'd be skateboarding, movie theaters or maybe even hiking.she prefers to only stay with family and her best friend Micheal (imaginary friend). So although she wants to do everything the world has to offer she'd much rather do it with as little to no people.


One little ball of light name Christine. Christine of course is daddy's little princess and he shall protect with all his life. From day one he was scared of being a bad father and spoilt her to death. No matter how old she gets what's going on and even if she's being a perfect little angle he's worried he's always gonna be a bad father and not give her the support she needs. Even though she's always gotten everything things she's ever asked for. And even though that seems really spoilt she's never thrown a fit and has never gotten in trouble at anyone's else's house. She's your little artist, way better than Eugene at almost everything by the age of 10. Although she was very creative she isn't very book smart. But hey neither is Eugene. Cutest thing ever though.

Well I uh hope you enjoyed the future kids of the guys... I guess.

Have a good night/evening/day!

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