Your First Kiss

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WARNING: Ethans is a little graphic and long so yeahhhh.


Your first kiss was when Lawrence told you he liked you.

[RECAP: "Hey (Y/n), you should probably get with me. Yeah, that would be great. I mean we are practically already together it'd just mean I can call you to mine and I'd get to kiss you like this." He would then kiss you without giving you a chance to register anything at all. The thing is, his kisses are so goddamn hot. They're like... rough and demonically passionate yet so short.]


Ethan asked you to come to his classroom after class, reason being unbeknownst to you. When you got there Ethan was snoring. To you it was absolutely adorable; his head was somewhat tilted to the right, his mouth slightly agape allowing drool to escape his mouth and his hair with crazy bed head, which you didn't understand due to the fact he was only in hear for about 20 some minutes. You giggle slightly and walk over to Ethan and carefully sit in his lap, as not to wake him. Sitting in his lap facing him, you start playing with his locks of hair. Right when you finished the first small braid in his hair he woke up. "Mmhm (Y/n)... when did you get here, and why didn't you wake me up?" You smile softly at him "Because your so adorable Babe!" He blushes at the nickname like he always does. "So what did you want me here for?" You ask, smiling away. He pushes you to his chest, "To cuddle, what did you think it was for??" Your voice muffled from his chest, you jokingly say "I thought you were gonna break up with me Baby Cakes..." You thought he knew you were joking due to the fact you only say 'Baby Cakes' When you joking but he didn't take that joke too lightly. He quickly but softly grabs your chin to look up at him and he gives you a soft whisper "Don't ever joke about that kind of stuff Sunshine... not only is it not funny, I don't like that joke." His thumb slightly caressing your jaw line. He then sat up so he was taller, but with you still in his lap. He leans downs kisses you, and besides the fact that his lips are chapped, which both of yours were, its was soft and sweet. Soft and sweet is how it started, but swiftly changed to a rough and passionate kiss. Both of you grasping for more not wanting to to stop for breath as if you were to stop for a second to breathe it would all be over. Your tongues dancing with each other, Ethan finding it harder and harder for him to contain himself, which you could feel with each second Ethan grew needier and needier which you didn't think possible with his attitude towards everything. You both new this had to end soon but for this moment wasn't worrying about it. You felt Ethan push himself against you causing you to moan and grip his shoulders, gripping his shirt harder and harder his thumbs slightly ran across at your bare waist. Though for some god forsaken reason at that moment he decided to pull away, breathing heavy. "So uh.. don't joke about that...?" he gives a small chuckle and a 'yeah' as he puts his forehead on yours and both of you just enjoying this quiet moment together.


It was weeks after you two had become a couple and Harry was constantly nervous or anxious around you, which wasn't what you wanted him to feel, and you wondered why. "Hey Harry?" he looked at you and answered with a quiet and soft 'what' "What's been bothering you lately? You know besides the obvious apocalypse and migraines..." he doesn't say anything and just looks awkwardly at you. "I uh uhm..." and then you noticed his small glances back and forth from your eyes to your lips 'Awwww sweet thing wants a kiss... all he had to do was ask!' You smile softly at Harry. "Aww Harry Baby if you wanted a kiss you should have just asked! I'm your girlfriend after all!" you giggled at him, not meanly, and he blushed and looked away "Can I have a kiss then y/n?" You smile and leaned forward for a soft sweet kiss. When you pull away you see him with a very small smile and then you hear him say "I like that a lot." Which made you smile, "Me too!"


Zion was asleep next to you and you decided to surprise him with a kiss 'Should I kiss him? Would he be upset if I did though??' you thought but I'm the end decided just to do it. With a evil grin you get on top of Zion, bent down and kissed him on the lips, what you weren't expecting was for him to kiss you back. But not only did he kiss back he also after a while pushed you to the ground so he was straddling you instead. This surprised you so much cause there weren't many times where Zion was this confident, sure he acted really cocky in public but want nothing more than to keep you in his life. So the fact that he kiss back and is being pretty forward left you in complete bliss, especially for the fact he was just asleep. When he pulled away he was red in the face, almost as read as his hair, whether from lack of air or embarrassment it was probably both, he had this goofy grin on his face while his eyes where focused on yours. "You have a habit of talking out loud, and I just so happened to be awake at that time." You face blushing and now looking away you playfully hit him on the shoulder "Jerk..." you mumble.


Eugene was gracefully playing the piano 'For Elise' to be more specific. You closed your eyes as you listened nodding your head slightly swaying while eating some stale chips that you found. After a while of him playing different songs he got tired, he turned around to you and flopped down next to you on the 'couch', which was really just a corner in the room with a sheet too sit on and a couple of books as the arms of the couch. He looks up smiling goofily "Can I please get a reward for those awesome piano playing skills?". You giggled and gave him a double thumbs up along with a 'mouth full of chips' smile, you swallow and put another chip in your mouth. Right as you did that he gave a light chuckle and leaned in closer to you, kissing you deeply on the lips, you gasp from surprise which allowed him to put his tongue in your mouth which allowed him to grab the chip that was in your mouth. He pulled away and blushed, looking away, while chewing the chip. "Y- You could've just asked if you wanted a chip." You grumbled. He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and leaned in, giving you a peck, still not looking you in the eyes, and you smiling like an idiot with your face flushed


So I hope you enjoyed and uhh sorry for making Ethans so long.... If you can't tell he's kind of my favorite right now and I try not to show too much favoritism but I kinda got carried away??? But yeah I decided that after I'm done with the four Chapter I have planned which are

-You Have The Flu

-He's Jealous

-Do You Love Me??


-Annoying Him

I will write a Limey scenario for the 1K reads. I got some really awesome sugestions in the last chapter for this but if I could get some creative ideas for the rest that would be awesome. I also got a lot of request for lemons and I will but later in the book. I still feel as if it's too early and I've never made a lemon before but I promise there will be one.

Word count including A/n: 1375

Dangerous Fellows (Discontinuing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें