You Have The Flu/Is sick

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Requested by @fictionmaker123



The sudden feeling of a harsh cough was coming. Looking down you began to cough loudly, the sound of everyone talking quieting away as the burning of your throat was strong while you coughed. Once your coughing fit was over, your groggily stood up. A bunch of mucus was in your mouth and it was disgusting. Walking to the window you spit out the mucus watching as it hit the ground. You turned around and sat back down where you were. Without even saying anything Lawrence plopped down next to you and put his hand on your forehead. "You are burning up, go lay down." You scoff not wanting to be lazy. "I'm finnnnneeeee. Besides, it's almost lights out anyways! I'll just wait until everyone else goes to bed." You then stand up to show him your fine but you stood up to fast causing you to get dizzy and sit back down, holding your head. He sighs and just picks you up bridal style not wanting to deal with your BS.


Ethan new instantly when you were sick. The whole day you were dry heaving cause there was nothing in your stomach and it was winter time so it wasn't like you could sweat it off easily so the whole day Ethan was asking if you were okay randomly. It was really sweet and you know he was just trying to help if he could but it was slightly annoying. You have popped a few blood veins on your face so it looked bruised now too. Finally, by like 7 o'clock, you felt okay enough to see if you could eat something without throwing it up. When you entered the room Eugene screeched like a little girl and screamed 'Zombie' while almost hitting you. Luckily Ethan grabbed his hand before he could do anything. Zion groaned then chuckled "You look worse than normal. You're actually sick!" You turned to him and glared "Yeah no shit, Sherlock... wonder how you figured that out. By the dying dog noises coming from the bathroom or the sickly girl in front of you." Your voice rasps. Ethan quickly spoke up. "(Y/n) just eat and go to sleep." You gave a slight hmph as you slowly munch on flavorless bread just hoping you don't puke it up.


One of the many things that sucked in this Zombie Apocalypse is Allergy season! Not only is it annoying but it also puts you in danger! Example: you guys were on patrol when all of a sudden a hoard of Zombies came through your pathway. Of course, you guys WERE gonna hide but then you went into a sneezing fit in which you couldn't stop and it attracted the zombies...

That was only one of many incidents during allergy season which is why your not allowed to patrol during that time anymore... Harry babied you the whole time tho so it was nice!


Sooo uhhhh food...

We all love food! But with eating comes some risk... like choking, cavities... food poisoning...

Now let me tell you food poisoning sucks ass. And like a badass. All day you've been dizzy, bloated lots of stomach cramps but the worst of all... diarrhea! Now diarrhea sucked before the apocalypse but when your in an apocalypse with little to no plumbing it's like it's very own mini-apocalypse. Now to stay hydrated was another problem also... so basically, you've been in misery all day and Zion hasn't been helping at all. He's been arguing left and right trying to pick a fight, and if he's not arguing he's making jokes at the most inappropriate times, like when you have to DIARRHEA! He'll be sitting outside making lame ass jokes.


You have been having the worst headaches of your life and you don't know what to do. Literally, you can barely open your eyes without wanting to cry and you wanting to take a bat to your head to just end it all. You explained it to Lawrence and he excused you from any duties until you felt good enough to help. Of course, you not doing anything caused suspicion and for Eugene being pissed off that if he has to 'work his ass off' you should be able to too. You and him then got in an argument to where you burst into tears cause of how much pain you were in...

And that's how you guilt him for at least a month!

Okay so it's 2AM rn and I'm pretty sure someone makes here to kill me. Whether it's a demon coming to get me for my sins or an angle coming to relieve me from my pain idk.

But have an good day/night/evening! And please request some more stuff and don't be shy at all!

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