He's Jealous

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Requested by @Missy988


As we all know Lawrence is a little... let's say...


So when this boy is jealous ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! He'll make up any reason to start yelling at whoever was making him jealous (most likely Zion) and keep going for a long time, hours even. Everyone knows he's in the edge of being a Yandere, if not already is so they're a little more than... careful.

Thankfully he's only ever been violent once and that ended with Ethan knocking him out with his bat and Harry (Yes, my baby boy ❤️) to yell at Lawrence to knock it the hell off.


Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. I love him so much! It only takes two words and glare for anyone to see he's jealous. What might those words be??

"Back off." The first time you heard him say that you almost burst out laughing cause of how random it was when he said. Of course, it gets anyone to leave you alone so it works for him.


Harry gets WAYYY more clingy when he's jealous. I'm talking about grabbing your waist and not letting go, kissing your neck to get your attention playing footsies even when your sitting in his lap, him never letting go of your hand.
No matter how jealous he is he'll never talk unless it's whispering in your ear.

He tries super hard to not be in your space all the time and he does a great job (cause if it were up to him head be holding you and cuddling you allll day), but when he's jealous he just does not care.


Zion becomes a cursing sailor! Holy cheese and crackers! You, Zion, and Lawrence were on patrol and you guys ran into another group. Well, this one guy just WOULD NOT stop flirting! All of the sudden you here Zion "FUCKING CUNT, YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST FLIRT WITH MY GOD DAMN GIRLFRIEND?!?!?! I DON'T THINK SO MOTHER FUCKER BACK THE HELL OFF!!!!"

On the way back Zion has to carry you on his back cause you couldn't walk with how hard you were laughing and Lawrence would stop scolding him for cussing so much in front of you.


Honestly, he starts to get really sad and anyone can see it. He gets super self-conscious and he doesn't know how to handle it. That's where his bratty demeanor comes from. "Why would you talk to him when you could talk to me?" Or "(Y/n) are you seriously talking to that dude? Wow, such poor taste?" When in reality he just wants to cry for how he feels.

Of course, you do realize this and when you're done with your conversation you give him your full undivided attention and give him as much love as he wants!

I uhh hope you enjoyed?? I would love some request from you guys! Also if you could please check out my new book KBTBB Boyfriend Scenarios! But have a fantastic night, evening, morning and stay gold~

P.S I've tried writing smut so many time I just can't so please be patient with me I am trying!

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