Hurting Yourself Accidentally

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You were helping Lawrence go through the supplies in the storage room and you stepped on a nail. You didn't even notice until Lawrence grabbed your wrist and kept asking if you were okay. "Yes I'm okay! What are you talking about?" He kept looking in you down "There's a bunch of blood on the floor. Where are you hurt?" You look down saw the blood and a sudden realization of pain hits you. "Uh yeah I guess my foot kinda does hurt. I didn't realize it until now." He then picks you up and sets you on the table. "You know, I've never met anyone who didn't realize they were hurt, you surprise me..." You laugh awkwardly "Yeahhhh well now that I realize it, it hurts A LOT!" You say wincing at the pain he kneels down in front of you looking at the injury. "Well princess... we might just have to hold a rag there for a little while... Your injury is to small for a bandage and to great for a bandaid. Come on let's try to slow the bleeding and clean the wound." You sigh holding on to Lawrence as a crutch and hopping on one foot.


Ethan chuckles "Geez (Y/n) you haven't been this excited in a while" you laugh jumping up and down. "Are you kidding me?! Your finally gonna teach me to play baseball! Of course I'm excited!!" He snickers and shakes his head at your childish behavior.


He stands behind you guiding where your hands should be on the bat then readjusting your legs. His actions almost seemed slightly sensual to you, yet just an innocent teaching to him. "Okay so keep you legs firm on the ground and alway be aware of your posture. Then slightly twist your hips like this." He then puts his hand on your hips adjusting them to where they should be. "Hey uh Ethan?" You kinda cough awkwardly. "Can you like move your hands please? I think I got it now..." as soon as you said that you could see the realization hit him like a wave by his face. Yet his hands didn't move.

You turn your head to look at him but as soon as you move your head you felt a rough pressure on your lips. You instantly kiss back but as soon as you do he moves his head just enough to keep his lips about an inch from yours and close enough to feel his breath. He then fully backs away and continued talking about baseball. You grumbled but listened.


"Alright (Y/n), keep your eyes on the ball." Right when he was about too through the ball he added "Remember stance and hips!" And as soon as he said that you got so flustered and you kinda just stopped working.

And that's how you ended up with a black eye, a Lawrence scolding you two and an Ethan saying "I didn't mean literally eyes on the ball..."


You and Harry were walking to the classroom, while talking to each other when all of a sudden you fell, just fell. Harry would have sworn it looked like a cartoon effect cause of how pathetically stupid it looked. He had tried so hard to hold back his laughter and he did cause to him this was 40% hilarious and he was 60% concerned. "(Y/n)!?! Are you okay?!?" You could obviously tell he was trying to hold back from laughing but was trying really hard not to. At that moment you almost felt like crying... not only had it been an emotional day, cause you know everyone has THOSE days, you were embarrassed, hurt and your boyfriend just almost laughed at you. Which you don't blame him, you would have laughed too if it was one of the guys. Although you tried to laugh it off Harry knew that wasn't your normal awkward laugh it off laugh and you could instantly see his face change to guilt. "I- I didn't mean to laugh! I- I'm so sorry Princess, where does it hurt?!?" You look at him with red tinted eyes and a more real smile. "My knee you worry wart. Help me up."


You and Zion were in the middle of one of your play fights. "YOU KNOW WHAT MAYBE I SHOULD LEAVE!" You yell trying to hold back a smile, Zion was just smirking away though. "Maybe You should." You look at him pretending to be astonished. "FINE!" Right when you turned around you hit face first in the wall cause you to fall backwards. "OW MOTHERFUCKER!" You scream gripping your head. You see Lawrence's face turn to amused to angry. "(Y/n) (L/n) go to your room." You looked at Lawrence " But that's not fair! It's Zions fault and you never get mad at Eugene and Zion when they cuss!" He pushes his glasses up "I expect it out of the if they didn't I would be worried. It's basically in there nature. You on the other hand have no excuse. Your not even 18, when that time comes I'll be more lenient." Zion pitches in "Yah (Y/n) go to your room." He pics you up have you over his shoulder and starts walking away towards your room.


Yeah... so uh you sneezed. You were sitting at a table and when you sneezed the force of that sneeze brought your face to the table and kinda just face planted a table and so you got a bloody nose... very short story not much to really say other than Eugene wouldn't stop laughing for an hour straight.

Heyyyyy, so how are you guysss. Yeah I don't really know what to say but please leave more requests and I hope you enjoyed the story! Caio!

Word count
Including A/n: 977

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