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Lawrence was always a little forceful and you thought that was just who he was in a relationship, just really dominant and possessive. But one night you got really scared because of a noise and headed to Lawrence's room to see if you could sleep in his room with him. Of course, he said yes and he even looked around a little bit where you heard the noise. He didn't find anything but said he take another look in the morning. It was comforting that he did that but you were still very uneasy, but you let it go and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you slowly opened your eyes and you saw a little bit of light was seeping through the windows, which to you was very weird since Lawrence always made sure you were up early so that you didn't sleep more than average saying it was unneeded unless you were sick, but this time was obviously longer. 'Did I end up getting a fever last night?? I feel fine. Maybe Lawrence went looking for that noise?? MAYBE THE NOISE ATE HIM!?!?!' Of course all these thoughts came rushing towards your head and you were about to jump up and go running for him but when all that force tried to jump up, you didn't move an inch other than your head. The first thing you thought was 'Damn it sleep paralysis' but then you looked down and realized there were arms wrapped around your body and two of them weren't yours. You then your arms crossed your chest, kinda like when you straddle a baby in a blanket and one of his arms are keeping your arms like that and your body close to his, his other hand had a mean grip on your hip keeping your body on the ground for when you tried to get up.

You let out a breath of relief realizing he was right here next to you but then tried again to get out of that position. But this time when you tried his grip tightened and you could hear a raspy voice whispering right into your ear. "Where do you think your going sweetheart." and you almost felt your heart stop. Not only was his morning voice sexy as hell all ready this for some reason was 10x's hotter. You felt his lips lightly kissing your ear and each kissing pushing harder and harder the lower he got. "You are to stay here cuddling me until I am ready, am I clear?" he asked, well more like ordered in a soft tone as he stopped kissing your shoulder blade. You quickly answered yes but didn't get a reaction so when you turned your head to look at him you saw he was asleep with his chest slowly pushing forward against it as his grip was still right around you.

'Guess I'm to stay here till he wakes up...'


Now as everyone knows, Ethan is a sleepy boy. So when you guys cuddle it is no surprise that Ethan will take this chance to nap comfortably. So the time you guys cuddle the most is when Ethan's tired and you both have a resting moment due to the fact he can't rest as comfortably without you.

Today you got free time after doing your daily check for the zombies, so first thought instinctively was to find Ethan. You went to the meeting room to see if you could find and just your luck he was in the corner with him trying to sleep and not quite being able to. "Ethan, DJ you want to go to your room?" You ask "Mmh." "Okay well if you don't want to go to your room then do you want me to cuddle you?" "Mmhmm" was all you got in return which was fine you almost always knew what he meant in someway if he responded in some manner. You headed toward him, sitting next to him he moved over some so he was in between your legs and then laid his head into your lap. You put your head against the wall and began running your fingers through his hair. As soon as you started doing that you got a pleased grunt. As you two were just enjoying the silence Eugene came in and saw you two and started complaining and ranting about PDA which then caught Lawrence's attention from the other room which brought him to the room to see what Eugene was talking about and all you could do is sit there and be annoyed while Ethan tried not to be too uncomfortable and try to sleep.


You just finished dinner, being one of the last ones and Harry left a while ago right after he was done, so at this moment you were looking for him. You looked in his room and found him in his what was supposed to be a bed. "Harry, sweetheart are you alright?" He sat up fastly but just as fastly gripped his head "Yeah, Yeah. I'm all good. What up, is something wrong?" He asked. You let a sad smile take on your face. "Kinda, my boyfriend ain't telling me what's wrong." He sighs and closes his eyes slowly rubbing his temples. "(Y/n)... I have a really bad migraine right now..." You sigh and quietly ask "Worse then what you usually have me?" he nods.

You sit down next to him and whisper 'come here' he brings himself along with the blanket that's wrapped around him to you-you slowly pull him into a forever hug (so I don't know if anyone else calls it when someone cradles you a forever hug.) you wrap your arms around his back and he puts his head in the crook of your neck. As your slowly moving forward and back you run your fingers through his hair, silently trying to comfort him.


You were in hella pain right now and all Zion could do was worry and ask what was wrong and each time you answered with an 'I don't know." Of course, you knew, you were on your period and we're having fucking worse cramps in your life but like hell, you were telling him. You were in your room holding your stomach and trying to get into a position to ease the pain when Zion walked in. "Hey (Y/n) so I was thinking the saying you are what you eat just came to mind and like Eugene can be such a big dick sometimes does that mean- " he stopped talking and you looked at him and he seemed to have a mix expression of disgust, concern, and realization. "Zion, what's wrong?" You ask sighing not wanting to take any bs. "I uh... uhm. (N/n)... are you on your period?" He asked which honestly caught you by surprise. "Uh yeah, I am... how did you know?" He blushes and looks away "You should probably fix your self up before the others see you and think you were attacked or something..." you look down and you realized you bled through the cloth A LOT. You blushed and ran to the bathroom to fix yourself.

When you came back you were expecting an awkward conversation with Zion but to your surprise right when you entered the room Zion carefully picked you up bridal style and sat down on your sofa bed with your back pushed up against his chest, his chin in the crook of your neck and his hand comfortably rubbing where your stomach pains were. When you tried talking he quieted you with a soft kiss not quit on your lips and not quit on your cheek and him slowly rocking you and his warmth sending you into slowly into dreamland. Right before you were fully there you heard Zion whisper "You could have just told me this is why you were in pain."


You wanted to sleep soooo badly but there Eugene was talking away. It was literally dark out dinner was over a while ago and your eyes were heavy and having a hard time keeping them open. "Geenie~ can we please go to bed... my eyelids are literally trying to become one." He sighs "Let me finish my thought." he continued talking for MINUTES. Finally you just got tired of him talking, got up to where he was, laid down on top of him and that's when he finally shut up. "Let's just go to bed baby." You whisper and fell asleep before you could hear a reply.


Okay, so I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter I worked really hard on writing this story and is having a lot of fun writing it. if you have any requests don't be afraid to comment!

Also, I was thinking of adding gifs so..... Tell me what you think! REMEMBER I am taking request.

Words:1494 including A/N

Dangerous Fellows (Discontinuing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora