chapter 40 A Relic from the past

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3rd person POV.

Currently (Y/n) and his apprentices are on board the destiny training Raven is quickly catching up to the others in their training and she has made sure to keep her Secret being the spring Maiden quite safe right now Raven is fighting a proxy unit who is currently taking the form of General Grievous while displaying her knowledge in the Arts of form V, VII, and Jar'kai wielding both her lightsaber and her katana Neo is testing her mental discipline Winter is studying Xo-zeion's holocron and Pyrrha is practicing her control over the force ability known as pyrokinesis.

(Y/n): that is enough for one day my apprentices.

Everyone stops what they're doing and kneels before their master.

(Y/n): you have all impressed me for these last few weeks Raven you have managed to catch up to your fellow apprentices winter your understanding of the ancient ways amazes me Pyrrha your control of the force and your weapon has astonished me and finally Neo your command over both the light and the dark side of the force makes me very proud of you I know that one day you all will rise up and become even more powerful than I am but you all must understand every master is what his students grow Beyond but you must understand through your success you learn but you will always learn more to failure then you do success for failure is the greatest teacher of the them all now I wish to show you all something that I have never showed anyone else I wish to show you my greatest treasure.

(Y/n) reaches out with the force and pulls out a long black rectangular box from the storage module beneath them (Y/n) then sits down with his apprentices on the floor and opens the case once the case is opened he stands up and pulls out a black cane with a silver snakehead.

(Y/n) reaches out with the force and pulls out a long black rectangular box from the storage module beneath them (Y/n) then sits down with his apprentices on the floor and opens the case once the case is opened he stands up and pulls out a black c...

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(Y/n) then gave the cane a spinning flourish until slamming its bottom onto the ground creating a loud resonating clang against the metal.

Winter: it's a cane Master a very nice cane but if I may be so bold as to ask why is it so valuable?

(Y/n): because this king holds a very important secret inside of it and if I may say a very deadly Secret.

(Y/n) then grabbed the snake figurehead on the top and twisted it counterclockwise a figurehead then came off of the cane and
(Y/n) then pressed a small hidden button on the side revealing the Cane's true nature as a secret hidden lightsaber the lightsabers blade glowed a brilliant violet.

Everyone: WOW!!!

(Y/n): this was my very first lightsaber I ever created back on korriban my Homeworld as you all know Darth Celleus created his lightsaber a long time ago but he didn't create it until he was born and he wasn't born until he was under the tutelage of Darth andeddu the first Sith to take on the name Darth so technically this was my lightsaber before I created my twin blades I've never showed this to anyone before because I believed that this signified the past and I look towards the future while living in the present for you must understand if you are to always look to the Future you will be blinded you must live in the present while not ignoring the signs of the future.

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