Chapter 30 for the love of a Jedi and a Sith

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Darth Celleus POV.

Darth Celleus is currently with Emerald in their dorm talking.

Darth Celleus: tell me why did you join up with Cinder?

Emerald look down in sorrow but soon steeled herself.

Emerald: before Cinder I had nothing I was nothing but then she offered me a home food and the chance to gain power so that I could never be alone or stepped on ever again she took me on as her Apprentice but in the end I was nothing more than a slave to her.

Darth Celleus hugged Emerald with pity in his eyes he kissed Emerald on the cheek.

Darth Celleus: if it's power you want why do you say so I can offer you Limitless power.

Emerald: what? What are you talkin about?

Darth Celleus smiled at Emerald.

Darth Celleus: how about this let's go on a date and at the end of it I'll tell you what I'm thinking how's that sound?

Emerald: what you got in mind?

Darth Celleus: hmm how about maybe a nice stroll in the park maybe we'll pick pocket a few idiots we can also go see my pet then we'll have a nice dinner free of charge and then to cap it off will come back and we'll count our loot.

Emerald: that actually sounds hella fun so why not let's do it

Darth Celleus: well what are we waiting for? let's go!!!

With that said the Sith Lord I grabbed Emerald's hand and the two of them went off to Vale for their date.

Xo-zeion POV.

right now Xo-zeion is pacing outside of team CFVY's dorm trying to think about what he's going to say I'm finally he gets up the courage and knocks on the door a few seconds pass by and Coco opens the door.

Coco: oh it's you whats up?

Xo-zeion: I'm here for Velvet is she here?

Coco: yeah she's here let me go get her

Coco then goes back into her room and gets Velvet a few seconds pass and Velvet comes out of her dorm

Velvet: oh hey Xo. What's up?

Xo-zeion: oh nothing I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a daaaaaaa- activity with me together.

Velvet guess the idea and blushes.

Velvet: you m-mean l-like a d-d-date?

Now it was Xo-zeion's turn to blush.

Xo-zeion: yes like a date would you like to go out with me?

Velvet: yes I'd love nothing more.

Both the Jedi Master and the rabbit faunus just stand there awkwardly both blushing up a storm both become so red that they could be confused with strawberries until Jedi Master snaps out of he's embarrassed stupor and grabs Velvet's hand and leads her to Vale for their date.

Darth Celleus POV.

Currently Darth Celleus and Emerald who is using her semblance to disguise herself as a Caucasian woman with black hair and blue eyes are walking around Vale who are both bumping into random strangers so they can pickpocket them after a few hours of pickpocketing the two of them run into a alley after almost getting caught by a random stranger the two of them get chased down the alleyway when suddenly they realized they had run into a dead end with the stranger hot on their tail Darth Celleus picks up emerald Bridal Style Darth Celleus gathers the force beneath him and jumps into the air the two of them land on top of a building's roof there they successfully evade the angry stranger.

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