chapter 31 the fall of Cinder Fall

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Cinder POV.


Cinder began to Pace back and forth until an evil smirk that spread across her face Cinder had just gotten a terrible idea a wonderfully terribly evil idea.

Cinder: I can still save this Trainwreck.

Cinder stood up to her full height and looked down at the Coliseum below to see the two combatants of the final round of the vytal tournament.

Cinder: yes I can still win.

Cinder began to watch the match with an evil smirk on her face she began to charge up her stolen maiden powers and began to plot how she would use them to finish this match causing enough Despair and negativity to summon her Grimm Army.

3rd person POV.

Oobleck: Fighters are you ready?

Penny: sal-u-tations Hektor it's so good to see you again

Hektor/HK97: I'm so happy to see you again as well penny.

Penny: so are you ready?

Hektor did not reply verbally but only nodded with a smile on his face.

Oobleck: 3......2.....1.....FIGHT!!!!!

Hektor/HK97 ignited his lightsaber in low power mode and Ran towards Penny with his lightsaber Held High ready to strike her down and end match but penny was too quick she brandished one of her swords and blocked her opponents attack Penny suddenly brandished 8 of her swords and sent them flying towards her opponent who blocked them with his lightsaber she then recalled her swords transformed them into their Blaster modes Penny fires her weapons but Hektor/HK97 was too fast he deflected all of her shots right back at her causing her Aura to decrease by 30%.

Port: ooh now that was amazing!

Penny: wow that was pretty cool

Hektor: I aim to impress how about we make a bet? If I win you go out on a date with me if I lose I owe you a favor deal?

Penny: I don't know what a date is but it sounds like fun deal.

With that said a fire ignited self in Hektor's eyes he once again rushed towards his enemy with his lightsaber brandished and attempted to slash at her but she simply dodged sidestepped and Perry his attacks with her own weapons Penny realizing that she couldn't get anywhere with close range attacks try to create some distance between the two of them she pointed all of her swords in Blaster mode at Hektor and fired her weapons sending him flying backwards and draining his Aura to 50% but he just smiled and attempted to get close to her again but she's simply called 10 of her swords to her side and begin to wildly slash at him from a distance he went on the defensive constantly parrying sidestepping and blocking all of her until suddenly he realized how she was controlling her weapons nanowires small thin wires so thin and so small they are barely visible to the naked eye but with Hektor's Droid eyes he could see them perfectly up close he smiled and turned his lightsaber to it's normal setting and he began to cut the nanowires completely severing Penny's control over her swords Penny becoming worried about what he was doing she called more swords to her side and decided to transform them to Blaster mode so that she could take him from a distance Hektor returned his lightsaber back to its low power setting and began to charge at Penny Penny began to fire her weapons wild and sporadically at her opponent trying to do as much damage as she could but he kept deflecting and redirecting her shots with his lightsaber suddenly Penny began to panic knowing that she would lose this fight so she called all of her swords to her she transformed them all back into their sword mowed and fired them at her opponent.

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