adorable, chimchim • tonyXjimin (bts) PART ONE🐩

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Theme: During American hustle life, Jimin caught a cold during one of the missions. Tony takes him home to care for him while the others have fun in LA. Of course this would be requested by sp00ky_queen18 fucking weirdo..

**Eighteen year old Jimin wasn't one to get sick very often. It took a long time for the young boy to get an illness at home, but in Los Angeles and moving to a new place, Jimin could easily catch something foreign to his body.

When he got sick, Tony was the first to notice. He immediately caught Jimin from falling down on the sidewalk, telling the others to have fun and that he'd be with 'Chimchim' at the loft. Tony then carried Jimin all the way up to the house, the boy having fainted. The elder touched Jimin's cheek to check for any indication of fever. When he felt the warmth of the skin, Tony sighed because the younger did, in fact, have a bad fever.

When they got inside the loft, Tony went to the bunk beds that the bangtan boys usually slept in but then thought against it. Jimin sleeping in a bed close to other growing boys wasn't the best idea. Instead, Tony took Jimin to his room and tucked him in. Not before taking his shoes off though.

Jimin awoke to darkness and the feeling of muscular arms wrapped around his waist. He frowned and felt up the arm to hopefully figure out the person. The skin was too muscular and smooth to be anyone in his group, so he knew it was Tony.

The young boy loved Tony, that much was clear when he said it. The elder must've thought he was joking for the camera. "Tony?" Jimin wasn't very good at the whole 'English thing' quite yet. He only knew a few words, but Tony always seemed to know what the boy was trying to say. "Yeah?"

Jimin was always clinging to everyone, so he turned around in Tony's arms snuggling further into his chest. The younger boy inhaled the man's scent that smelled of coconut and shea butter- the best smell ever in Jimin's nose.

"Are you feeling any better, Chimchim?" the darker man said squeezing Jimin in tighter until he felt the boy was safe. He did feel protective of the boy after all. "If you're not, I'll go get some medicine?"


"Yeah, medicine to make you feel better," Tony pulled Jimin in closer petting the top of the little boy's head like a owner would a pet. The cutest pet in the world.

"I feel better with Tony," Jimin said wiggling his face in the exact same spot on Tony's chest. Smelling the strong scent, Jimin mewled in satisfaction. Tony chuckled at the smaller's actions, but he soon stopped when he felt something press against his private area. It was Jimin's knee.

"Chimchim?" Jimin 'hm'ed in acknowledgment moving the soft part of his knee in circular motions against the man. "What are you doing, my adorable Chimchim?"

"I make Tony feel better, too."


fuck you got me writing, christina?

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