i love my best friend • kim taehyung (bts)😚

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Theme: Taehyung falls in love with his best friend, you, but doesn't tell you. The friendship is too strong, and he'd rather watch you be happy than lose you. Requested by bby_girl_niah

**"Let's go see a movie this weekend," Taehyung asks rather abruptly as you both were sitting across from each other. You were typing away on the computer to finish an essay and immediately stopped moving your fingers when he says it. You feel bad because you already made plans. But if Taehyung wanted you to, of course you would cancel for him. No dick was more important than your best friend.

"I have a date this weekend," you slowly trail of as the sounds of typing picks up again. "I'll cancel if you want."

"A date?" He freezes and watches your eyes drift back down to the computer screen. His eyes, in turn, follow the sunlight beams to his sketch book in his lap. The picture he just drew of you tenderly smiles back at him. Taehyung feels sick, but he doesn't voice it to you.

"Yeah, Kai asked me out the other week. We had plans for a minute."


Taehyung pretends to draw something as to not have his mind read by his bestie for the restie across from him. He draws a little heart with your's and his initials as he listens to you explain about Kai. He really wants to go find the bastard and deck him in the face because he knows exactly what he's doing. Taehyung and Kai used to be friends in high school, so he knows the Taehyung has had a crush on you for the longest.

"Tae, what's wrong? You seem out of it," you say as you finishing typing your last word before submitting the essay to your professor. You gently close your laptop before focusing solely on Taehyung. "If you really can't wait to hang out with me, I know I'm awesome, I can cancel. Kai means nothing compared to you."

Taehyung's heart really, truly wants to flutter out of his chest, but his brain is preventing it. 'It's a friendly thing. He/She doesn't mean it romantically. He/She doesn't see you like that.' With those thoughts, Taehyung shuts you out.

"Don't cancel. It's not even a big deal. I'll just ask Hwasa to go to a movie with me."

"Hwasa? Since when do you hang out with her," you say without a lick of sympathy for how rude it sounded. Another thing Taehyung likes about you.

"I've been hanging out with her for a few weeks. She's pretty amazing."

"Yeah, in bed."

"There was no need for that, Y/N," Taehyung said calmly although he couldn't argue with that. Hwasa was pretty amazing in bed. "You don't even know her."

"Yeah, but I know you. She's definitely not good enough for you. I know ten people who are so much better for you."

"Okay, like who?"

You didn't think of that, and you almost said the name that was on the tip of your tongue but held it back. You gulped and let your eyes drift over the the window you were sat at. Looking at you reflection quickly, you faced back to Taehyung.

"Not her."

"Guess what, Y/N! I know someone who is so much better than Kai too. But you won't open your eyes to see who. You'd rather stay blind to the perfect person for you!"

You swallow hard at the outburst and tear up, not even understanding as to why. Taehyung continues: "Just go on your date and I'll go ask Hwasa out. If you don't want me meddling in your life, stop getting involved in mind."

Taehyung closes his sketch book and gathers his supplies before stalking out of the personal study room you rented for the day. You don't move to go after him and just watch his back until you don't see his signature long, light brown trench-coat. Your head slaps against the table with a thud as you try to comprehend what that fight was about. Your pen drops on the floor and as you bend to pick it up, you see a crumpled piece of paper. Plucking up the trash, you unravel it to see a beautiful sketch of your face. There is so much detail and then in the corner you see the little heart. In tiny font, you see Taehyung's initials next to yours. Your breath catches in your throat.

Then, suddenly, you are running to find Taehyung. You fly past students and professors to hopefully find the man you're looking for. Looking anywhere and everywhere for his brown trench-coat and long, dark locks. You find him eventually and he's talking to Hwasa. He's talking to her and your heart breaks.

You have no idea what gets ahold of you, but you rush over to him. Reaching your hand out, you spin him around and attach your lips to his. It's amazing, mind-blowing, pleasureful—if you will. His eyes are wide because you startled him but then he's kissing back. His hands find their way to your lower back and he tugs you into him more.

When he finally pulls away, he's searching your eyes for the unknown. Your heart flutters and you smile at him.

"I change my mind. I know who's better for you."

"Oh, yeah? Who?" Taehyung isn't smiling but there's a small challenge lacing his words. Your hand moves from his back to his ass cheek, and you grope him hard before smirking.

"Me, obviously."

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