bats and blood • jeon jeongguk (bts) PART ONE 🌚

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Theme: Jeongguk and you were piers in high school when the zombie apocalypse began. You were both at school after hours studying in the library when you guys heard a loud noise sound from outside.

"Zombies, gangs, bats and blood: the perfect combination for teenage love."

**Going zombie hunting every-single-fucking-day is not how I thought my life would be after high school. I thought I would have my dream job along with the perfect boyfriend after graduating from a prestige university. How wrong I was when the first wave of apocalypse crashed into the world.

Zombies, undead humans, flocking around the world, biting people's heads clean off. Eating the flesh off of innocent survivors like a bottomless pit because their brains are telling them to.

This virus has been so deadly and hard to survive, but here I am writing this memoir while my zombie-hunting-boyfriend keeps watch. I knew I had to record these events in case anyone from future civilizations stumble upon my book.

The government would tell you mother nature was the cause of the infectious disease, but the real story is it was released by them. Our world is over populated, and the government thought this disease would wipe out half the population. However, what they didn't plan for was to get killed along with it. Many people, along with these government officials, got eaten alive and suffered a painful death. The strong survived, the weak perished, and now we, as humans, must kill to survive.

My boyfriend, Jeongguk, and I are no exception to this. We have to slaughter these beasts to live one more day or die in the crossfires of the world. Out here, usually couples don't really happen. It's too dangerous to get attached to people for they can die at any given moment. Having someone hold you back because of love is never a good idea. The minute we started dating, I made him promise to never come back for me. He told me he wouldn't but sometimes I seriously doubt that because of the way he looks at me. His eyes tell me he would die for me and that isn't something I want him to do so soon.

We got together after the apocalypse. He was one of my classmates at high school, and we were assigned a project the week before in some science class I can't be bothered to remember. We decided to meet in the school library after the school day to work on it.

Jeongguk and I were there for a couple hours before we heard it: The screams. We shot out of our chairs and ran to the window to see what was going on. People were running. Everyone looked so panicked, and it terrified me to watch people tumble to the ground and others tear into their skin with their teeth. Blood painted the streets like fresh paint. I gagged before backing away with my hand over my mouth. I fell to the ground and stared at the bookshelf under the window.

Suddenly, Jeongguk was in front of me, and he was saying something. My ears felt clogged, and I couldn't make out the words he was speaking. He lifted me up by my armpits and shook my body to try and shake me out of my thoughts.

"Hey... we... to go before.... eat us," he said with urgency. I nodded but didn't comprehend what was happening until he gestured for me to follow. I could barely walk until he kissed me. He kissed me! My eyes were wide, but I didn't pull away. He was the first to back away and then I could understand what he was saying. "We have to go right now. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," my voice was small, but he could hear me. He held my hand the entire way to the supply closet. In there we found football padding, lacrosse sticks, and baseball bats. Jeongguk took the football padding and put the shoulder pads on. He got a smaller size and put it on me as well, telling me that this was going to help some when we go outside.

"Outside? Why on Earth would we go outside?"

"We have to find our families and friends. This looks pretty dangerous. I need to make sure they are okay. You don't have to follow me, but I think you should. I don't want anything to happen to you, Y/N."

I returned a small smile and picked up a baseball bat. I have a pretty powerful swing being that I was on the softball team; I was confident using the bat is what I'm saying. I gripped the end of the bat and took a few practice swings before we left.

A few minutes later, we were standing next to the high school exit. I was terrified when I looked out the window one last time. All I saw were these humans, more like creatures, moving way too slow since everybody else was dead and bloody and unmoving. Jeongguk tapped me on the shoulder and my attention was suddenly on him.

"I'm going to go out and distract them. You stay here until you see them all start to follow me. Got it?"

"No, we can do it together. We're not splitting up. Got it?" I was mocking his last saying, but I didn't care. I knew for a fact that if we had split up only one of us was going to be alive. He smiles at me before nodding and putting his game face on. I touch his arm before he pushed the door open. He turned to look at me. "Be careful is all I ask. Don't leave my side."

"I won't. Promise."

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