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rapunzel . december 1, 2018

Aladdin has tried to call me. I was way to mad to even answer.

But now I miss him and I'm ready to forgive him.

So I answered his call when he did call me.

"Hello?" I asked.


"Thanks for making my life worse, Aladdin."

"Rapunzel, just listen to me," he said and sighed. He sounded dead and sleepy. "I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am. I never meant to hurt you, babe. Well, lemme be honest. I hurt you because I was jealous and I was trying to get rid of my pain. I drink and do drugs and have sex when I need to get rid of my pain, so I had sex with this girl. I regretted it. I'm sorry, Rapunzel. I'm so very sorry, princess. I just hope that you can find in your heart to forgive me. And if you never wanna talk to me again, that's okay. I'm just wanna be enough for you, babe. I love you and I always will." His voice broke as he said that last sentence.

I stayed quiet for a moment. "I forgive you, Aladdin," I finally told him. "And I love you, too."

Aladdin sighed again and yawned. "I also hope you have a good day tomorrow. I haven't been getting any sleep since we stopped talking, so I'm gonna go on to bed."

"Goodnight, babe."

"Goodnight princess."

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