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aladdin . november 5, 2018

Damn it.

Damn it!

I fucked up.

I really did.

I texted her. rapunzel i miss you
i'm sorry for yelling at you
you were just trying to help.
text me back please!!
i miss you so much
oh my
i misssss youuuu :(

rapunzel i'm sorry and i miss you
11:57 pm

She didn't respond until the next morning.

it's fine. we're fine.
6:02 am

I texted her on messages. good morning <3

good morning :3 sorry about saturday. i was a little upset, that's all

it's okay. it's my fault.

don't say that.


getting ready for another day of school, sadly

it's okay, babe

I was nervous to send that message. I hope I'm not moving too fast. I hope she doesn't think I'm a pervert or anything.


i'm sorry if i'm pushing it.

no, that's okay <3


i have to get ready, i'll text you asap

I got started on my actual school work as I waited for her.

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