The Girl with Green Eyes: Chapter 11

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that should do it...okay, so I'm a little bit persistent:)

~*Chapter 11*~

I woke up to a single ray of sunlight peeking through the gap in the curtains.  I had to squint against the brightness.  I stretched and froze.

The ball is today. 

I hopped out of bed and began to jump up and down.

I heard someone clear their throat.  I immediately stopped and looked towards the sound to find Dastan.

This was the first time I had seen him since he stormed out of the room after I-well…did whatever I did to his mother.  It was still hard to believe that I somehow was able to bring her back from the dead.  I shuddered at the thought.

Dastan merely looked at me and said, “Come on.  My mom asked me to come and get you.”

My guess was that she had to beg, not ask him to come get me from the way he sounded.

He promptly turned on his heel and walked out the door.  I followed.

I tried to make conversation with him.

“How’s it going?”

“Are you looking forward to the ball?”

“Who are you going with, by the way?”

“What’s the weather like today?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“What’s your middle name?”

Needless to say, he never answered me.  I have to admit, some of the questions I asked were pretty weak, but he still could have answered.

Once again I arrived at the room with the fabric and mannequins.

Lylah appeared holding something in her hands.  She waved one of her hands towards Dastan and said, “You can go now.”

I noticed that he rolled his eyes before exiting.

“Okay then,” the queen said, addressing me, “Let’s get you ready.”

“Isn’t it a little early?  I figured the ball would be later,” I said.

“Oh it is,” she assured me, “but there is a dinner first.”

“Oh, so when does the dinner start?” I asked.

“At seven.  The ball begins around eight-eight thirty.” She answered.

“What time is it now?” I asked since I didn’t see any clocks or such anywhere in the room.

“It’s four, although you shouldn’t worry about it.  You’re skipping dinner.”

“I am?” I asked.  “Why?”

“Well, I want you to make an entrance at the ball with everyone seeing you all prettied up, without getting to see you over dinner.”

“I guess that makes sense, but still, I don’t see why I have to get ready so early.”

“It’ll take us quite a while to make sure that your dress fits you perfectly and to do your hair and make-up.”

Oh.  Okay.

Then another thought occurred to me, “When am I going to eat then?”

“Someone will bring you a try of food.”

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