Chapter 7: Christopher

Start from the beginning

"That's my new boss over there the grey sweater...." Rory whispered to her dad.

"Oh really....he looks nice....why are we whispering?" Christopher asked innocently.

"I already ran into him earlier today and we had's just weird seeing him again..." Rory explained as Matt and his dinner companion got up to leave. She was relieved that he didn't appear to notice her.

Rory was pleased that she could carry on eating without feeling like she was being watched.  "Are you going to eat the rest of your dessert Dad?"

Christopher laughed. "You are incredible Kid! Like a bottomless pit! Anyone would think you're eating for two!"

Rory stopped chewing and realised that she had to tell her father. Knowing there couldn't possibly be a better way to open up the conversation in that direction, she went for it!

"Well actually Dad, anyone would be right if they thought that because....I am pregnant..." Rory admitted knowing that their conversation would rapidly change direction now.

"Pregnant?! .....Oh wow....I wasn't expecting that Kiddo!" Christopher said sounding suitably shocked. "So congratulations.....are you okay with that? ......And so that's why you're not drinking tonight! .......... So I guess Logan is the father?"

Rory nodded and waited for her father's next reaction.

"So why is he still marrying that French heiress if you are having his child?" Christopher asked feeling very protective of Rory and increasingly hostile toward Logan Huntzburger.

"Well firstly he is locked into a contract otherwise known as the 'Dynastic Plan' and secondly.....I haven't actually told him...." Rory admitted.

"I see....well I think that you need to make that your first priority Rory...Logan needs to know....every father needs to know!.....I might not have been there when you were tiny but I knew about you and I got to meet you. I was so thrilled to be your dad...I thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen....I just didn't have my life together to be who you or your mom needed me to be....we were too young but you guys have been dating on and off for are both so accomplished and established in your careers..., you would make great parents together...." Christopher concluded after making his plea.

Rory didn't know how to respond to that. In her heart she knew that her dad was right but her head told her that it couldn't be done! She tried her best to explain the situation to Christopher but it all sounded really ridiculous.

"Anyway I am with you whatever you decide to do Rory. I will support you and be there for you if you'll have me," Christopher promised.

"That's really great Dad! You are already being a help just being here, spending time with me and listening," Rory said feeling very warm toward her father for the first time in a very long while.

"It's my pleasure! ........Would you be up to doing some car shopping tomorrow? I'd love to get you a nice safe mom car and if we have time, we could check out some properties!" Christopher suggested enthusiastically.

"Sounds good Dad...but right now I think I just need to go home to bed. I get really tired in the evenings!" Rory yawned.

"Okay I'll just call an Uber and we'll be on our way!" Christopher said feeling very much like he wanted to wrap his little girl in cotton wool to protect her from the demands of pregnancy and men who didn't treat her properly.

When they arrived home, Christopher insisted on making hot cocoa for Rory. She was very grateful to be pampered! Once she was in her room, Rory called her mom for a quick chat to fill her in on her dad's visit and make sure she was up to date on all the latest news. Lorelai was surprised to hear that Christopher was with Rory but pleased to hear about the financial help he was providing.

"Just promise me that you will still consider telling Logan....even though it seems difficult now, it's going to be more difficult to live your life hiding your child from him. Someone is going to see a resemblance in your child....." Lorelai said trying to guide her daughter gently but realising she might need to be more firm.

"I've thought it all through Mom....." Rory said feeling exasperated. "At this point in time I cannot be the one to wreck Logan's marriage and I don't even know for sure that he would want to take a chance on me again...I just think if he did, he may have made a move before the thing with Odette became serious....anyway I am heading to bed....I can't think about it anymore! I'm so tired!"

"Okay yeah I remember feeling completely wiped out in the first trimester...." Lorelai reminisced, "it gets better, only to be replaced by other delightful things like heartburn and swollen ankles!"

"Thanks Mom, I think I'll just be grateful for this time to sleep then...I've been lucky so far...I haven't thrown up once!" Rory said with gratitude.

"You are very lucky! I have a feeling you will breeze right through this pregnancy. Just remember to enjoy it all because once the baby is here, nothing will be the same again!" Lorelai warned her daughter.

Those words seemed to play over in Rory's mind as she tried to get off to sleep.

"Nothing will be the same again," Rory thought as she tossed and turned in her bed, " body is going to go through so much change! .....Nothing is going to be the same again ....this little person is going to be a big part of my life for years to come! ......Nothing will be the same again....I will think of Logan every day as I look at my baby....he will never be far from my thoughts but will he ever think of me again? ....Nothing will be the same again my relationships in the future....who would want me once they know I have a baby?.....Nothing will be the same again .....What if I have to live in Maine for good?.......No nothing will be the same again...."

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