Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*This is a very graphic chapter so be forewarned*

A heavy darkness fell over Logan, and he could hear her spirit crying to him. Now he was glad he picked up the man's firerarm after Jason and he took them down. It was time to stop playing nice.

He had a feeling deep within his gut that she was already inside, and he knew he wasn't going to like what he would find. But if anyone hurt her, they'd pay a hefty price. Stepping into the security room, he took out the guard there and monitored the cameras for a few minutes, namely the bridge.

Going in blind was not something he was willing to do. As the camera panned back and forth, he saw that the hostages were sitting on the starboard side and the hostiles were standing in front of them, almost in a direct line to the door. They likely wouldn't expect him to be able to walk right in with his access card.

He couldn't see Tamara, but there was a room off to the side that had no camera. If she was anywhere, she was in there. He could easily take out the two hostiles without a problem, but his worry was about the hostages getting hurt in the process. The only thing he could think of was maybe going in with a hostage of his own. A shield of sorts.

Heading back to the room, he poised his gun chest high just in case any of them escaped. Thankfully, they were still where they left them unconscious. Logan walked over to the closest one and removed the ties from the bed and retied his hands together, then smacked his cheek. "Wake up!"

"Wha—" the guy cried, his voice muffled.

"We're taking a little trip. Get up!" Logan ordered, pulling him out of bed by the scruff of his shirt, digging the barrel of the gun into the back of his neck. The man struggled, but was still too drowsy to put up much of a fight, his temple still beat red from where he'd smacked him with the gun.

He had no intention of playing nice anymore. He knew lives would be lost, and he was going to make sure it wasn't his or the people he knew. When he said he vows, he promised to protect her, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

They made their way back to the door of the bridge and the guy didn't put up much of a fight, which he was grateful for, but the man was unsteady on his feet, so he had to be ready for anything; like him dropping like a rock as soon as he got the door open.

He noted there was a console to the left of the door which he could duck behind if he had to. He was ready for whatever came his way. "I want you to open the door," Logan ordered the man.

The guy did as requested and with a click of the door opening, they were inside. "Guns and radios on the ground now!" Logan ordered. "Or I'll shoot!"

But he wasn't that lucky, up came the guns and one knocked a shot off, hitting their teammate in the chest, making him drop hard. Logan got a shot off of his own, clipping one guy in the forehead, as he dove for cover—so much for the easy way. Thankfully as the gun fight started, the hostages took off out the door with only one taking a fall before reaching it.

Sweat dripped down his forehead and he let out a breath, trying to calm his runaway pulse which he could feel beating against his neck. Keep a cool head. Keep a cool head. Treat this like any other job. But it wasn't like any other, though, the love of his life was in danger. 

"What the bloody hell is going on out there?" he heard a voice yell.

"Intruder, Captain Lockheart," the last man standing yelled. "Lock the door."

The door slammed across the room and a flip of the lock could be heard. Damn it! Standing up, he popped off a shot, and it missed as the guy ducked behind the captain's chair. "Why don't you face me like a man," Logan said, egging him on.

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