Chapter Twenty-Six

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Logan shivered as cold icy fingers danced over his body, like someone had just walked over his grave. And he didn't like it. Not a single bit. He'd had no luck tracking her down. They'd sat in the plaza for hours, nursing a few beers in the process. Even Darla had come back empty handed.

He'd been certain that the girls would have caught up with each other. They had an innate ability to find each other, but nothing had turned up. He knew she'd returned to the room and grabbed her luggage, but where she went after that was anyone's guess.

But a heaviness hung over his head and it wasn't just because she'd left him. He'd felt it out in the field at work, too. A type of sixth sense his buddies called it. They'd always had a leg up on their enemies because he'd been able to tell when something was going down.

"Jason, I'm not liking this. I have a bad feeling," Logan said.

His friend sat back in his chair as he looked around. "It's like the atmosphere on the ship has changed."

Good. He wasn't the only one that's felt it. "Have you seen anything weird?"

"Not really, but I haven't been looking to be honest. What are you thinking?"

"Well, I saw a man with a gun earlier, and I don't think he was part of the security crew. And when I tried to talk with security about it, they brushed me off."

Jason frowned as he drummed his fingers on the table as they sat in the Dining room. Darla hadn't said much since she joined them, but her eyes gave her feelings away. They were withdrawn and staring at nothing. Even though they'd only known each other a few days, the girls had become fairly good friends.

"I'm scared," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We'll find her, hun," Jason replied, giving her hand a squeeze. "I promise."

Logan picked at his food. Feelings of hunger had long since disappeared and he'd barely taken a bite. "After we finish, I'm gonna run by Customer Service again. If they can't tell me where she is, the least they can do is check on her for me."

Darla brushed the hair back from her eyes and looked at him. "And we'll keep trying to find her. Let's meet on the first floor of the plaza by 10pm."

He was certainly glad that he'd met the two of them. He didn't know what he'd do without them right now. They hadn't bonded with anyone else on board really. They'd become their own little group. And it was fine by him really. He wasn't a big people person anyway.

Pushing his plate away, Logan stood up. "I'm going to inquire around and see what else I can find out. See if I see anything else suspicious. See you guys in a few hours."

After giving Jason a fist bump and Darla a squeeze on the shoulder, he set his sights on returning to the front desk so to speak. They had to be able to tell him something or at least do something for him.

After a short trek to the elevator, he rode up to the middle plaza deck and waited in the long lineup that had gathered. It looked like this was the day that everyone had some stupid question. He shoved his hands in his pockets because if he didn't he was going to push his way through the lineup.

Adrenaline coursed through his body, ramping up his heart rate; it thumped against his ribcage like a drum. He shifted his weight from leg to leg. Every minute he'd spent in this line was one less minute he could be scouring the ship.

Damn it. Logan bit his cheeks, trying to hold his tongue. How long was it going to take for them to move their bloody asses? His breath hissed between his teeth. He needed to find her, needed to know she was okay.

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