Chapter Eleven

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Unawares, in the distance, was a boat. "Tell the Captain that we've spotted her," the lookout said, pointing west as the huge cruise ship came into view.

Frank saluted him and rushed below to tell his father that it was almost showtime. They'd been planning this heist for a long time and he was excited to be a part of it. They've never done anything of this magnitude before.

The world's most eligible bachelor was on board and worth billions. Their plan had been to sneak onboard at the next port and commandeer the boat, taking it farther into international waters, where a group of their boats would be waiting to fully take over the ship.

For the time being though, a few of them would slip on board, and he was among the chosen ones. His dad actually thought him worthy enough to participate and he'd waited a long time to hear that. He'd studied hard and trained hard, led his own little conquests aboard smaller boats, and now, three years after he'd started, his father finally thought him worthy.

"Dad," he called, walking into their stateroom.

Captain Lockheart Jones walked out of the head with just a towel around his waist. His black dreadlocks were wet and dripping down his back. "What can I do for you, Son?"

"We've caught up with The Ruby Pearl."

"Perfect," he said, rubbing his hands together. "You ready to make history?"

"Oh ya!"

"Is your friend prepared for our arrival?"

"Yes. She'll be meeting us onshore with our tickets in a day's time when they roll into Port."

"Great," his father replied as he walked over to the table and pulled out the schematics of the boat. "Does anyone expect anything?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Radio talk is quiet."

"Excellent." Lockheart wandered over to the bar and poured himself a scotch. "Soon, only the best scotch in the world will grace our mouths. We'll want for nothing."

They were never wanting. His father always made sure he had everything he needed and now it was his turn to make sure that his father got what he wanted. This heist would set him up for retirement and then Frank might, just might, be able to take over as Captain of their 100 man crew.

"We'll be the most infamous pirates ever," his father said, slamming his glass on the counter.

The thought made Frank giddy. It almost felt like it was the day before Christmas. And oddly enough, Christmas was just a week away. That probably added to his excitement. If he couldn't have snow for the holidays, at least he'd get money that could take him to the Swiss Alps. If they managed to pull this off, that is. That was a big 'if.' He knew that any number of things could go wrong, but that didn't mean it was impossible They just had to plan everything to the last minute detail.

"Have everyone do their last minute checks. This has to go off without a hitch," Captain Lockheart ordered, very much a captain and less a father in that moment. "And junior, don't fail me."

"I won't, Sir," Frank replied, scurrying out of the room.


Relaxing between Logan's legs on a lounger outside, Tamara sipped away on her beer as they watched 'The Notebook' on the big screen. She leaned back, resting her head against his chest. "This is perfect," she murmured.

Logan ran his hands up and down her arms, loving the tremor that rocked her body with each brush of his finger. He couldn't agree more with her assessment. The only thing he'd like better is if they were back in their room. Naked. He'd prefer to be making his own movie, and she'd be the star of the show.

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