Chapter Thirty-Three

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Logan wrestled Tamara to the bed, straddling her. "You aren't going, capesh?"

"I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing."

"Then I'm not getting off you until you agree," he said, holding her hands together above her head.

"We don't have time for this. Get off me," she snapped. Where did he get off thinking he could manhandle her? "I mean it!"

"And I mean it, too. Jason and I are trained for this."

Tamara attempted to buck him off, but to no avail. He seemed to think she couldn't do the job. "I'm a good cop."

"Yes you are, but they don't need a cop today. They need soldiers."

"In case you forgot. I'm the one that defeated that kid. I can handle this just as well as you, jackass."

"I outrank you, darling. You're staying with Darla."

"If you want to keep touching the merchandise, you're going to let me go."

To her irritation, Logan threw his head back and laughed before giving her a chaste kiss on the lips, but still refused to get off her. "You're priceless! We both know you can't refuse me."

She struggled to get her hands loose, itching to deck him a good one. But he had too firm a grip on them. "Damn you!" She's never felt so helpless in her life, and she didn't like it. How the heck did she wind up in this predicament?

It was true that it only made sense that she stayed behind as Darla felt comfortable with her, but sitting around was not what she was best at. Being right in the thick of things kept her mind busy and helped her forget her tribulations.

"I need to go," she whispered, frustrated that tears were pricking her eyes once again.

His expression softened, and he brushed away the tears that slipped down her cheek. "I understand that, hun, really I do, but she needs you more than the ship does right now."

Turning her head, she glanced at her friend; her face ghostly pale. They were in trouble because of her actions. She was a hot head and impatient, and now was not the time for either. It was time to grow up, time to follow her superior. Laughter bubbled up inside her. It was time for her to be a submissive. All her life, she'd been fighting to be considered an equal and that often made her follow her own feelings, as opposed to reaching out to let others lead. A good leader knew when to follow and when to lead, and this was the time to let Logan take the wheel.

Logan tilted his head sideways and studied her. "I'm not sure what to make of that laugh."

"Tell me something."


"What exactly do you do for the government?"

"That's something I can't really discuss, but trust me when I say that I know what I'm doing."

She made a deep guttural noise in her throat. "If you want me to stay here, you need to tell me because I won't follow someone who doesn't trust me."

"You know this isn't about trust. I've signed an oath. I can't talk about it or I could be court-martialed."

"That high up then?"

He nodded.

She wanted to ask him more questions, but she knew what it meant. He wouldn't ever be able to tell her. "Then swear me in."

"Honey, you don't wanna do what I do."

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. The only way that he'd say that was if he worked for Black ops or something, a highly skilled team of soldiers. They took out whoever the government told them to take out. But if that was the case, why did he fumble with Frank? The only thing she could think of was that she distracted him.

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