Chapter Twenty-two

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After a long hard game of Water basketball with their new friends Jason and Darla, Tamara left with her new lady friend to get ready for their evening out, leaving the two boys at the bar. Jason and Logan watched the two girls stroll across the deck arm in arm.

"I still can't get the image of the two of them kissing out of my head," Jason grinned as he ran a hand through his hair. "Think they'll do that again if we play hard to get?"

Logan wasn't sure whether to laugh or hit him in the shoulder. It was hot, but he wasn't about to share his woman with anyone. "You'll have to find another lady to fix your fetish."

Jason beat him to the punch in the shoulder. "Hey, you liked it as much as I did."

What guy doesn't like two girls making out? But her lips were his property only and if any tongues were going to make her mouth their home, it was his. He honestly couldn't wait to see how revved up she was by tonight. He made sure that when they were playing basketball, he slipped a hand between her legs every now and then. Beneath the water line, it was a no holds barred battle. It made them both drop the ball more than once.

Taking a swig of his beer, Logan slid off his stool. "Well, I better go get ready for tonight. What are you guys doing?"

"Not sure. Darla is kind of giving me the run around today."

"Ya, I kinda saw that in the water. She beat your ass," Logan smirked.

So did your little lady."

"Touché. Well, catch ya later! By the way, try not to discuss the military while Tamara is around. It's a topic you know I can't talk about."

Jason eyes widened. "You accepted the special ops position?"

"I was surprised to see that you didn't."

"I only went into the military to please my dad," his friend replied, shrugging his shoulders.

The man had serious talent. Logan had been shocked when he showed up for their first training exercise and Jason wasn't there. He had actually disappeared. His bunk was emptied of his things and he was gone.

"Where did you go?"

"Here, there and everywhere really. I settled in Los Angeles about two years ago and started up my own business."

"Let me guess, surfing?" Logan said with a grin.

"I'm a private detective slash bodyguard."

It was good to know that he didn't completely toss the baby out with the bathwater. The man really was the best in the business. "How'd you wind up doing that?"

"Fell into it really. When I was leaving one of the casinos, I heard a gunshot and found a lady barely alive in the alley. I made it my mission to find out who shot her."

"Sounds like something you'd do." Logan commented.

Jason was never one for following hard core rules, even if he was special ops material. Even his appearance had the word 'rogue' written all over him. Giving his friend a pat on the back, Logan said, "I better go. Catch you later."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Jason called after him as Logan strolled towards the door.

Shaking his head, he pushed open the door and ran smack dab into one of the guys that had been sitting at the corner table with the group of men. The force of their collision knocked the smaller guy to the ground.

The man's shifty eyes gave him a once over before scrambling to his feet, mumbling sorry. As the guy scrambled to rearrange his clothes, Logan caught a glimpse of metal tucked into his pants. Before he had a chance to say anything, the guy took off out the door.

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