Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Tamara refused to cry out in pain and instead bit her cheeks as she waited for the sting to subside. "Is this what you do, hit defenceless women?"

She had to keep him talking, keep him distracted until Logan and Jason found some way to free them all. She knew how to egg him on and keep him busy. It was her specialty. That was probably why none of her relationships ever went anywhere. Either that or she just had really bad choice in men, except Logan. He was an amazing soul and she wanted their relationship to work. And this man wasn't going to ruin that for her.

"Take her to the captain's corridors," the man ordered. "And make sure she's naked."

"Oh, hell no!" she brought her foot down hard on one of her captive's feet, and he released her as he hopped on one foot. Spinning, she went to bring her elbow up into the other man's throat. When suddenly there was a gunshot. Everyone screamed again as they watched the captain fall over, blood spreading across the chest of his shirt.

"Now be a good girl or I'll kill another."

Her spirit deflated as she watched the man gasp for air, his hands clawing at his throat. "Damn you." She jumped at him, but his men had recovered enough to grab her again.

Captain Lockheart walked over to one of the stewardess's and hauled her up to her feet, pressing the barrel of the gun against her neck. "Do what I say or she dies."

This was not at all what she envisioned would happen when she got here. Now she understood why she was passed up for the promotion. They were right about her not being ready. Maybe she wasn't cut out to be a cop. "Fine. Fine! Just let her go."

The men led her into the captain's quarters and handcuffed both her hands to a pipe on the side of the room and then ripped her clothes from her body. The cool air from the open window made goose bumps rise up from her skin. Fear rushed through her like a stampede. There was no getting away this time.

"Logan!" she whispered, her voice cracking as she watched the men's eyes feasting on her naked body. Tamara pulled her legs close to her chest, trying to shield as much of her body from them as she could.

The Captain soon appeared at the door with a predatorial look in his eyes, like a cat hunting his prey. "Leave us!" he ordered to his men.

"Aw, can't we have fun with her ,too?" they begged.

"Go pick your own women!"

They shut the door behind them. Her body shook at the realization of what was about to happen. And she couldn't do anything. Pain stabbed her in the chest. She should have listened to Logan, and then she wouldn't be in this mess.

"You know, my wife stopped having sex with me a long time ago."

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?" she asked coolly, trying to slip her hands through the cuffs.

"They are tied securely. You aren't going anywhere."

She had to change her tactic. If she kept this up, she would be the next person to visit a therapist as a rape vicitim. Tamara took a deep breath and tried to imagine a nice calming pool somewhere in the middle of a forest as she tried to bring her heart rate back down.

"You know, this could be enjoyable for us both if you release me," she said, raising her voice an octave, bringing out her flirty persona. "I could give you a blow job like no other."

"Nah, I'm good. I like my women tied up and helpless."

"I'll make it worth your while," she purred.

"It's already gonna be worth my while."

She cried out in pain when she tried to pull her injured hand out of the cuff. Please come on! She tried again but to no avail. Slowly, the man removed his own clothes. Snake and skull tattoos covered three quarters of his body.

"I will do anything you want if you release me," she tried again.

"I don't need anything from you but your body. I wanna see how tight your ass hole is."

Acid rose up in her throat as bile filled her mouth. Oh god. She was going to be sick. Leaning over the side of the couch she spewed the food from her stomach on the floor. All her self-defence training was for not. She had nothing. No one to help her.

He reached for her and flipped her onto her stomach, half her body resting over the arm of the couch. "Don't do this!" she begged.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back hard, grazing his teeth against her neck. "I'm going to do what I want, how I want, and you can't stop me."

He probed between her butt cheeks with his finger as tears burned in her eyes. She was as helpless as a kitten. "Logan, please!" she cried under her breath.

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