one ; ❝ goodnight ❞

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"Taehyung, you eat that, not throw it!" I scolded.

My son, Taehyung, giggled and proceeded to throw more food at his twin, Jimin. Jimin pouted but didn't try to stop Tae. I sighed and shook my head.

"Eat it, there won't be more later," I said.

I can't believe, I, Min Yoongi, a successful rapper and sophisticated man, had to deal with my immature kids every night. Taehyung stopped throwing and started to eat his mashed potatoes.

Jungkook, my nine month old, only gave me his big doe eyes innocently. I smiled. "You're the only good boy here, huh?" I asked in a gentle voice. Of course, Jungkook couldn't understand yet, but he still smiled back. He opened his mouth for the spoon heading towards his mouth.

A short while later, Jimin started crying. I looked over surprised, seeing as we had been silent and nothing should've set off Jimin. Taehyung looked surprised as well, but soon he started crying too.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" I asked.

I wasn't sure if the two year old could understand me. Of course, Jimin continued crying. Jungkook started babbling and hitting the table, adding to the noise. I groaned and rubbed my forehead, knowing exactly what Jimin wanted. I knew I should not have done it, but I gave the boys my phone and immediately their cries ceased.

I stood up and put the boys in the living room so that I could clean up the kitchen. Jungkook stayed in his high chair, swinging his legs and watching my every move. When I finished, I picked Jungkook out of the chair.

Jungkook giggled and put his fingers in his mouth. I shook my head and pulled at Jungkook's hand to make him stop. Once I entered the living room, I saw the boys were fast asleep. "Looks like your brothers finally tired out," I whispered to Jungkook, chuckling. I looked to his side where Jungkook was hugging my neck.

"Okay, Kookie, let me put you down for a moment so I can take them to bed," I said, trying to slide Jungkook off. Jungkook screamed and gripped me tighter. "Fine, you brat, I'll keep you," I grumbled. Now I had to try to bring my boys to their room with one arm and make sure Jungkook doesn't fall with the other arm.

Slowly, I slid my arm under Jimin's small body and lifted carefully. Thankfully, the little boy didn't stir, though his body was being bent in a weird way. Jimin immediately cuddled closed to me and I smiled at his cute smushed cheeks.

As soon as his whole body was on me, my body pitched sideways and I almost fell, but I caught myself just in time. I checked to see if Jimin woke up but he just smacked his lips. Of course, my son inherited my ability to sleep, and I was proud of that.

I lugged myself up the stairs to the twin's room, and it felt like Jimin was getting heavier with each step I took. Once he hovering over his bed, I resisted the urge to drop him and get the load off my arm. Instead, I set him down gently and fixed his body so he wouldn't be sore. Settling his head on the pillow, then pulling his favorite blanket over him. He sighed contentedly and snuggled deeper.

Alright, one down, one more to go. As my feet touched the first step, Jungkook suddenly fussed and swung his legs, his heel digging into my thigh painfully. "Yah! What's your problem?" I exclaimed, trying to grab him before he kicks himself out of my grip. As he threw his tantrum, tears streamed down his face. He started wailing and I realized he might wake up Jimin and Taehyung.

"Hey, Kookie, it's okay shh..." I whispered, gently bouncing him and giving him a small smile. He gave me a strange look before rubbing his eyes and pushing his head into my neck again, this time to sleep. Great, now I had to make sure I don't wake him up. Whatever, as long as he stops making a fuss.

Now, to get Taehyung upstairs. I walked back down and headed towards the little ball on the couch that was my son. Trying the same thing I did with Jimin, I slid my arm under Taehyung. Lifting, I realized he was as stiff as a rock, hugging his knees.

I wrapped my whole arm around him and lifted. Taehyung was definitely a bigger baby than Jimin, even though Jimin was the oldest. Hugging him to my body tightly, I started walking up the stairs, my muscles straining painfully. From my side, Jungkook sighed and changed positions. Taehyung hugged his knees tighter.

Finally, I set Taehyung down next to Jimin on their bed, and pulled his little blanket over him. Feeling it's warmth, he let go of his knees and grabbed the blanket instead. Feels like something is missing.

I looked around and spotted what I was looking for. Taehyung's teddy bear, propped up on the dresser. I grabbed it and lifted his little arms to stuff the bear under. If he doesn't wake up with his bear, he throws a tantrum in the morning and refuses to eat breakfast. Once I made sure each boy was comfortable, I leaned down and kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight boys," I whispered.

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