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"You okay?" Lee asked as we walked home. I had seen Kyle just one more time as we walked out. He had been teaching the kids the proper way to kick a ball. I had wondered who the kids were, but then I realized who they were- orphans.

The neglected and pitied kids. A section of our society that most people, including myself, didn't think of. Or if we did, we never did much of anything.

As I had been walking out, I had overheard the guards talking about how much Kyle loved those kids. How he helped them. Came to them after school. Ate with them. Brought them gifts from his own money.

It felt like I had entered some alternate reality. The Kyle I knew didn't fit this image. He was nowhere near this image.

And I still couldn't comprehend the fact that he was not the totally evil monster I thought he was. This thing, right here, made it harder to hate him.

I could assume he was evil. A creature to be pitied. Someone that didn't matter. That was all I thought of him.

It was 'him and his evil gang'. Everyone he was friends with were incarnations of the devil himself. Sometimes people, like Mason, saw reason and crossed over the other side.

I didn't realize he was only evil to me.

And that shouldn't change anything, right? After all, I could hate him for what he did to me. Irrespective of what good he did to the world.

I could, but that didn't mean that this small thing wasn't challenging my understanding of him. Or of his behavior to me.

But how do I tell this to someone else?

"Kyle is good at football." I said. Yeah, that was definitely not the way to tell anyone else.

"Yeah...?" Lee's brows knitted.

"I just- he was playing with the orphans. It was nice of him."

Her eyes widened with understanding. "Yes, but."

"But what?"

"But literally everything else Kaea. This bundle of emotions is one that I am sure I understand."

She was right. She could tell me so much, but there was only so much she could tell me. And this was one of those things that no one could tell me about.

"Here's what I can tell you though."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "What?"

"Tonight is going to be very, very fun."

We reached my home soon enough- I knew that tomorrow was going to be a tough day- I would need my sleep. But I would also need something to make me smile the whole day.

"Hello, Beta Avans. Mrs Avans." My parents both smiled at her as we passed them. They were very fond of Lee. They were also very fond of Kyle so that didn't really mean too much.

"What're we planning?" I asked her as we reached my home.

"Well," she threw her bag on the ground, "I was thinking we go to a club."

"We don't have IDs."

"Jacob knows someone."

I narrowed my eyes. "He is okay with this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Goddess, no. That man nearly fried with jealousy when I told him that, but we are just going to have a little free time. That's all. No men, just the two of us."

"Nothing else, right?"

She made a disgusted face. "Goddess, no Kaea. It's just to chill. Not to have another man disrupting your life."

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now