Tiger meets cat

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^^^Not sure who made the fan art, but I think it was Hoshi? Not at all sure. Anyways, enjoy!!

That's the expression that Tae had as he closed the trunk to his Jeep, completely ignoring the yells that emerged from it.

Tae walked around to the front of the car and got in, still void of any emotion. His unblinking eyes and flat mouth gave him a indifferent and flat look, but beneath the blank canvas was something that was anything but dull. His seething hatred for everyone; Jimin for betraying him, Jungkook for taking what belonged to Tae, and Yoongi for- well Yoongi was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And now Yoongi was locked in Taehyungs trunk.

How terribly unfortunate for him, Tae thought as he started the car engine. The ride to Tae's apartment was a long one, and Tae was known for his unruly driving, especially when he was angry.

Back with Jungkook

Jungkook gripped Jimin's torso tightly as he carried the boy up into his apartment. He could feel Jimin shivering, and smiled softly. Jimin really was funny.

Jimin felt really nervous by the time they arrived at the apartment biulding, and as he realized that Jungkook was actually began pannicking. What if Jungkook killed him? What was his motives? All these thoughts crossed his mind as he felt his small fists clutch Jungkook's Jacket tighter. This was not good.

Taehyung was terrifying to Jimin, because of his temper and easily hurt feelings, but unlike with taehyung, Jimin had no way of reading Jungkook. In fact, Jimin only remebered ever seeing Jungkook with two expressions. A dark smile or a unreadable sneer. But even though those looks were present often, Jimin could feel there was something more behind them. As if they were just a mask, hiding something. Something Jimin didn't know quite what.

Jungkook set Jimin down outside the apartment door, and kept his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder as he unlocked the door, shoving Jimin inside. Jimin whimpered as he went flying into the apartment, Jungkook following him and loosening his shirt collar.

Jimin scooted away from Jungkook, feeling his throat fill with bile.

"Nononono" Jimin began to say as Jungkook approached him menacingly. Jimin scrunched his eyes closed and lay limp. He heard a light laugh and opened his eyes slightly to see Jungkook looking down on him with an expression that Jimin had never seen before. It was a soft smile which showed off Jungkook's cute front teeth and glassy round eyes. His face showed faint hints of... amusement and maybe even adoration? Jimin scrunched his nose, puzzled as to why he wasn't being brutally beaten or assaulted.

Jungkook squatted down next to Jimin and patted his shoulder lightly, looking into his eyes.

"Lay down flat on your back." Jungkook said sweetly, before pushing Jimin abruptly. Jimin immediately lost any hope of kindness and struggled to splay himself, despite his violent shaking. Jungkook watched intently before placing a foot on Jimin's stomach, any sign of kindness absent from his eyes. He pressed his foot hard into the tenderness of Jimin's stomach as he let out crys of pain.

"You and Tae thought you could decieve me, thought you could manipulate me?" He spat, pressing harder. Jimin couldn't breathe and tried to shake his head. Jungkook seemed to just get more pissed off. "You don't get to lie. Tae fucked up and now you are going to pay for his mistakes," He said darkly, allowing his Jacket to slide from his shoulders, exposing his muscular arms. Jimin almost felt himself oggling them before snapping back into reality. The reality that Jungkook was about to do something bad. Very bad.

"Wait wait wait!" Jimin screeched as Jungkook began to lean down.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow at Jimin.
"What? I'm not in the mood for whatever this is." He said coldly, glowering at Jimin's flushed face.

"Is it weird that this feels like cheating on Taehyung?" Jimin said timidly, observing Jungkook's reaction.

Jungkook's eyes widened at Jimin's question, and he plopped down next to Jimin.

"Why would you care if it is? He cheated on you with me so many times. Besides, it's not like I'm going to give you a choice." Jungkook stated this plainly, looking puzzled at Jimin's hesitance.

Jimin sighed and looked down at his feet.

"Fine. Do it. Take my virginity, and hurt me. Just know that my heart belongs to Taehyung." Jimin said, feeling his heart hurt as the words left his mouth. Taehyung didn't even truly love him, why was he so adamant about being loyal?

His words hit Jungkook like a boulder.

Jungkook angrily stood up and slapped Jimin across the face.
"Fine! I won't even touch you, slut!" He cried before storming out of the room. Jimin looked up in shock, holding his cheek.
Jungkook just... didn't attack him. What?

Jungkook lay down on his bed, staring at the blank ceiling. He didn't know why he left Jimin back there, he wanted to do something to him. But hearing Jimin talk about Tae with such protectiveness and fierce loyalty made Jungkook... feel empty.

It filled him with longing and a sense of regret.
He didn't want to touch Jimin unless Jimin wanted it. And Jungkook was going to make him want it.

He smirked to himself, pleased with the ideas in his head.

Back at Tae's place

Taehyung gripped Yoongi's shiny black hair, pulling his head back and exposing his pained expression.

"Tell me, you stupid Piece of shit, where does Jungkook live, and where did he take Jimin?" Tae spat at Yoongi.
Yoongi whimpered and grasped the pant leg of Tae's trousers.

"Pl-please don't hurt me! I can make you feel good!" Yoongi said with a broken deep voice that didn't match his delicate exterior.

Tae looked down at him with disgust. "Believe me, sugar, you don't want to have me fuck you when I'm in this mood." He said, sneering and kicking Yoongi in his tender stomach.

Yoongi moaned in pain and curled up into a ball.

"I'm not finished with you!" Tae said, lifting Yoongi up and tossing him onto the couch.

"But I-I thought you said you don't want to- "shut up!"

Taehyung interrupted Yoongi, pushing him back onto the couch, loosening his belt.

"It's your fault for putting the idea into my head, I can't be responsible for what happens next," He said, smiling darkly as Yoongi began to realize that he-
He fucked up.

Thanks for reading! I'm going to have another chapter uploaded by tomorrow night, so get ready!!

Pulllleeeaaazeeee vote, it really gives me motivation!! If you have any suggestions or anything, feel free to tell me!!

Also, thanks for over 200 reads, it makes me so happy 😁 💜


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