Kookie isn't your bitch

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^^^Here is a cutsey edit of Kookie to mess with your brain.

Flashback to 5 years prior

Jungkook was never one to play nice, even when it came to his friends. He wanted what he wanted and he got what he wanted. Even at thirteen, he was fully aware that handsome looks, a careless attitude, and a powerful family would get you anywhere.

At least, those were the thoughts that coursed through the boy's mind as he buttoned up his school uniform while the girl he had just fucked zipped up her skirt and quickly scurried out of the room, not wanting to be around the weird guy who had just attempted to suffocate her.

Jungkook was considered an early bloomer, however he couldn't care less. He didn't care that his classmates gawked at him with a mixture of awe and fear, and he didn't care that of the girls he slept with, not a single one came back for seconds. Unless they were really fucked up in the head.

Jungkook's parents noticed his weird behavior when they caught Jungkook intently watching violent movies, replaying the scenes where young men and women were brutally hacked to death.

They immediately searched for a therapist for the boy, but he was turned away due to his age, which was only ten when the concern began.

So his parents did the only thing they could think of. Contained Jungkook's activities, and covered up and traces of misdeeds that Jungkook may have committed. And that's how it went on for a few years.

As Jungkook grew older, he began to learn what really got him going. He preferred older partners, maybe 2-8 years above him. He loved the rush it gave him to control someone who he normally would have to respect.

He also realized that he wasn't exclusively interested in girls, and began experimenting with guys in the classes above him, figuring out the mechanics of fucking them as well.

Of course, of all of Jungkook's kinks and preferences, humiliation was his favorite. It didn't matter If he was facefucking his noona or if he had his hyung bent over a desk. It didn't matter if he would slap and bite that cute boy from the cram school until he cried or even if he was cumming in his new young math teachers pussy while she screeched at him to let her go. He loved it all. He lived it all.

And he could have it all.

End of Flashback

Jungkook checked his phone for the fifth time that day, looking for any text from Taehyung. Once again, nothing, He sighed and sent Taehyung another agressive message.


I am getting impatient, hyung. Respond before I get angry.


Hyung, do you know how little I enjoy being ignored? Very fucking little.


Last warning before I find the both of you and fuck Jimin with my handgun. I have my ways of finding people, and believe me, you don't want to be found by me when I am pissed.


If you text this number again, I will call the police. Jimin and I discussed this matter and we are discontinuing any contact with you.


Oh, so now you are threatening me with the Police? As if that scares me. Alright, you have made your choice. Now prepare yourself, and that pretty little boyfriend of yours. I still haven't fucked his ass like I did yours yet. ;)

Jungkoook stared at his phone for a few seconds before clicking it off, exasperated. He would have to teach them both a lesson. How dare Tae withold his body from Jungkook? How dare he keep Jungkook from Jimin. Jungkook felt his fingernails digging inot his palm as he he began to get worked up.

Tae was probably fucking Jimin and holding him sweetly. Not even giving Jungkook a thought. Too focused on each other to even care. They probably said I love you after having sex. Jungkook felt his throat fill with bile at the thought as he pushed down the feeling of jealousy and pain. He couldn't bear the idea that they were happy, somewhere, in love. It wasn't okay with him.

Jungkook let out a loud scream as he began slamming his curled fist into the table, yelling "Fuck you Taehyung! Fuck you ! You can't keep me away!" He continued pounding on the table, feeling his hand bleed and his eyes blurr. Hot tears streamed down his face as he cried for the first time in nearly nine years. He felt his stomach coil and lurch as he resisted the urge to puke all over himself, losing control of his flaming anger and despair.

He needed to get out of the house. He needed to release his anger onto someone, anyone.

He needed to hurt them.

Sorry guys, this chapter was short! Please dont forget to vote, it means alot to me!

I hope the story is enjoyable!


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