Taekook troubles

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Jungkook had noticed it ever since he had gotten back to Tae's apartment. As soon as Tae locked Jimin in his room, he was very angry, muttering to himself. Jungkook was starting to get exasperated by Tae's irritable behavior, but he knew the cause.

Taehyung may have been incredibly brutal towards Jimin, hurting him seemingly without regret, but this was not the case. Tae actually was deeply in love with Jimin, and Jungkook knew this.

Jungkook was nothing more than a safety net for Tae, someone he could go to when he felt frustrated with Jimin. Jungkook knew that Tae would never be able to leave Jimin, no matter how much Jimin resisted him, because Tae was completely attached to Jimin. Taehyung was the type of person who would become completely dependant once he fell in love. And when Tae felt dependant, he immediately grew fearful that he would be tossed aside.

Tae really wanted Jimin's love and affection, and he was ready to share his life with him, maybe even permanently. But then Jimin had to screw it all up. Jimin had to reject Tae's sexual affections. Tae had given his everything to Jimin, and all he wanted in return was for Jimin to allow Tae to take his virginity, and Jimin couldn't even do that. So Tae began to cheat on Jimin with Jungkook. Mostly Tae did this to hurt Jimin, to make him feel rejection. Tae didn't actually have any interest in dating Jungkook.

Who could've thought that Tae would get a call from an old friend, saying that Jimin was cheating on him. That call from Taeyong changed everything. It made Tae realize that even if he left Jimin, it wouldn't take long for his boyfriend to move on. Tae absolutely couldn't let that happen. So he told Jungkook to take Jimin's virginity. To truly traumatize Jimin to the point where he would sleep with no one but Tae, and Tae alone.

Tae selected Jungkook, his current fuckbudy because Jungkook was not like anyone Tae had ever met. Tae had many issues, he was controlling, pushy, possessive, and had a bad temper. He refused to admit to love, and would often manipulate people into thinking he was gentle and sweet. But Tae was actually a good person, deep down inside. Jungkook was not.

Unlike Tae, Jungkook didn't have any insecurity regarding love or affection. Jungkook was not only controlling and manipulative, he was also sadistic. He was diagnosed with Sadistic personality disorder when he was 16, however his mother managed to make the diagnosis go away with a few checks. If something like that got out, it could ruin his family name.

So his family provided Jungkook with what he needed to keep his desire concealed. A few young women and men, usually in their early to late twenties were provided for Jungkook to live out his fantasies on, and that was that. Of course, Jungkook was an adult now, living on his own, and he had grown bored with the same pets. He wanted something fresh.

When Jungkook met Tae, he imediately was drawn to the older boy's big brown eyes and sad expression. Jungkook knew as soon as he saw him that it would be fun to play with him. Imagine Jungkook's suprise when Tae told him about Jimin, and Tae's foreceful habits when it came to Jimin. Well, you could say Jungkook was more than a bit turned on, and so he agreed to the idea of sending videos to Jimin of their sexual acts. Jungkook would admit, the idea that Jimin was crying somewhere over those videos and photos was what really turned him on.

He began to ask Tae if he could meet Jimin, and if they could maybe have a threesome. Tae always refused, saying, "I don't think so. I don't share.

When Jungkook discovered that Jimin was going to cheat on Tae, he began to get excited at Tae's pissed expression. "Come on TaeTae, lets both take care of that little slut. I can make him regret ever cheating on you..."

Tae had initially refused, but then He realized, Jungkook might be the one to smack some sense into Jimin. If Jimin thought Tae was cruel in bed, he would be in a world of hurt once Jungkook got a hold of him.

But neither Jungkook nor Taehyung had anticipated that Jimin would pass out before they even got past foreplay. It was almost comical how delicate Jimin was.

Besides that one mishap, Jungkook was quite satisfied with how the interaction with Jimin went. Jimin was more beautiful than he could have imagined, and looked feminine with a masculine edge. Just Jungkook's type.

When they had gotten back to the apartment, Tae brought Jimin to their bedroom, and tucked him beneath the covers as he watched Jimin's eyes flutter open.

"Wh-why?" Jimin managed to stutter out, eyes puffy. Tae felt his stomach lurch as reality sunk in. What he had done to Jimin was wrong on so many levels. Tae could only place a soft kiss on Jimin's head, nausea overtook him. He had to leave the room or else he might pass out.

Jungkook was waiting for tae in the living room, smiling darkly. Tae ignored him completely as he walked to the balcony. He was stopped by a firm grip around his wrist.

"Jungkook no. I am not in the mood." Tae said firmly, pulling away from the expectant boy.

"When has that ever stopped me before? In fact, that's all the more reason to have fun with you. Now, bend over, I am not in the mood to bottom today." Jungkook said as he began to loosen his belt. 

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned to see how this love triangle plays out 

Ps. Please vote if you like the story, it means alot to me!


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